have a break ova lunch time lun cabut gie melawat colleague di KK (errr not 'kota kinabalu' ye ..its 'kandang kerbau' , yup hospital tempat lun dilahirkan.. the name yg sure to make tatot laugh). This kakak just baru buat operasi to remove her womb cos ada fibroate (spelling fail?) which is abt 12.5cm. Haiyok..sejak dua menjak nih sakit2 gini dah jadi makin common. Nauzubillah.. lepas tuu sempat plak gie visit another colleague yg sedang buat chemotheraphy (spelling how, ok?) Begitulah kisahnya .. had lunch kat hospital and here am back to my beloved blogging world! smlm ada half day seminar.. i had an enjoyable time eating. Bila dah penat makan .. terus mengantuk. In order to stay awake, i draft email to awan . hahahha.. i let shanti melayan another budak india tuu hehehe i don't think its worth mentioning abt her.. enuf to say next year we don't think we want to sit with her. errrr.... smlm was dyan last day at work. Cian my sista tuu.. cam ni lah kalau ja...
Now-40s..this is where i get personal