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Showing posts from January, 2006
morning rephrase: " home already, darling? " someone text me last nite. unfamilar number .. i guess when the 3 of us are safely together at home some pple are still out there .. doing godknowswhat .. jgn lupa baca doa akhir dan awal tahun ... MAAL HIJRAH 1427.. Selamat Menyambut AWAL MUHARRAM Afternoon I'm the .. Mother Wife Chef Housekeeper i just need to add one more thing... lovey working on 12 hours shift for this 2 days. The sink was kindda "tersumbat". Im so clever .. tuang air panas and start to pump the sink!! bau uwwwwwwhhh busuk nyer .. sekali tu i turn around and saw my dapur dah banjir (hahaha exeggerate skit ar)water came out from the other lobang .. with those "lemak-lemak babi" .. hahahah bau busyuk sey .. i can't be waiting for lovey cos he'll be too tired when he comes back. So i do the job lah ... Eh ok lah .. now the water dah jlh as normal!! Way to go ms plumber!! coo
i feel u Dear Ustazah/Teacher, Adib is the only child in the family (this far). He is very playful and charming. Being the only one means he is very pampered by the family. He may not know how to share toys yet (tho Ayah and Ibu always teach him to share with his fellow cousins) and he feels at ease with adults. He has a favourite soft-toy called Mimi. Adib cannot sleep without mimi around. Adib loves all kind of transport. His favourite toys are the Garbage truck, Cement truck, Bus & Fire Engine. He loves to play ball with his neighbours. Adib loves to eat fish, mushrooms and cheese. His favourite cartoons/tv programmes are Bob the Builder, Barney, Gransazer and Hi-5. I hope this is enough for now. Please let us know if your need more info. Thank you Ibu/Ayah


preparing a letter today, i look at the date.. 25 Jan .. when i was young, i would look forward to the day where i can wish "happy birthday" to him. I would call him .. and we would fix a date to meet. It was the most exciting moment of my life (at that time). It was like a ritual for me for that 3 wonderful years.. but on the 4th year, he was never free to see me. The excitement turned to sadness. For months i kept the gift with me.. waiting for the right moment (still). I dreamt of him .. i heard his voice .. i saw his face almost everywhere .. but he was never around, it was not him .. it was just my lonely heart. those were the days.. his b'day gift is still with me. . and the birthday card, i used to decorate my workstation. Recently, i dumped it all inside one of the box together with all the other memorable stuff. He belongs to my past.. awan, the song in ur blog really blew me away ...
since lepas raya .. i asyik terperap kat office jer. Kadang-kadang makan .. kadang tu tak. So today, i dah penat berblog dan kerja .. i want to go out and eat!!! So tadi i join the guys pergi makan kat Banquet (Raffles hospital branch). Lepas makan lepak kejap kat CoffeeBean .. and then off we gooo naik 131 balik office. So kak lis nak dengar pasal wedding tempoh hari eh? akan aku cuba cerita sebaik mungkin almaklum aku tengah kene serang sindrom malas menaip!! The Wedding We ols came on friday to "tunjuk muka". Looks like semua di tangung beres so no such thing as rewang anymore. All taken care by the wedding planner (too bad it wasn't J Lo). One thing to describe, it was a beautiful wedding. The pelamin, the hiasan .. u just asked for coffee or tea .. they will get it for u. Cam ala ala gie hotel but ini kat bawah blok lah.. (orang s'pura rata2 tinggal kat umah pangsa jer!!). Lovey asked the bride's father .. berapa he spend for all the makan and etc. He said he...
MAN U RULES!!! ITs the Year of WorldCup Man Utd 1-0 Liverpool
sleep  i hate crumple shirt. you know some material even tho u iron it with starch or probably water it still crumple. yup that's what im wearing today and im frustrated. [initial thot] since its friday i shouldn't care much but im so wrong. I DO CARE!! Tonite, we ols going to my cousin house cos her daughter is getting married tomorrow (with my crumple shirt!! oh no!!!). Four years ago, she helped ibuk and me on the wedding preparation. I hope to be able to help in anyways for her daughter majlis tomorrow. Irony, she's more chirpy during my wedding. These days, she's more reserved. Her daughter hantaran is $15000. When i first heard ab it, my next word was "gilerrrrrrrr..." To me, if people put such a high price it either mean (a) girl side tak suka the boy marrrying their daughter (b) they finding excuse to break the wedding (c) he's filthy rich (d) they don't like him .. am abit sceptical lah abt all these cos im more to the ala kadar da...

Wats with the ChubbyCheek?

yesterday while reading thru my daily blogs, i stucked on cekmi's entry and can't help feeling "bahagia" over what this bro of mine is going thru right now. Scrolling down to his previous entry, i saw him smilling .. and those cheek!!! when i turn and look at the mirror, hehehe i realise that i got ChubbyCheek!! Still feeling wonderfully happy i gave myself a nick name. I come to realise that being chubby is one thing but feeling happy is another .. so im contented with myself with what Allah has granted me. You see, last sunday, ive attended a walimah and my auntie commented that now me and lovey "duduk sama tinggi, berdiri sama besar". I told her "that's what you call pasang ideal, jgn jeles" hahahaha ambik kau!!! this saturday pulak, there will be another wedding. Meaning, more rooms to gossip. For sure they gonna comment someting abt me.. only few more days to go, where got time to diet??Furthermore today got "big makan" again...
i came back to office today after a day break. Diddib had high fever right after he came back from skool (last monday). He was cranky all night. I couldn't sleep much. On top of that, i drank a cup of HL milk and by 3.30am my tummy buat hal.. so there goes my sleep. By morning, i can barely opened my eyes so i sms my office colleague buat cerita sedih and yahooo!!! im out of office.. me and lovey brought dibdib to see doctor, beli 2 bungkus nasi + ice kacang and ice jelly cocktail. Sekali tuu lovey said he got medical appt at 12.30 in CGH. Hmmm we got not much time to balik rumah and eat .. so off we go (first) park the car at the neighbourhood carpark and makan at the void deck!!! hahahaha its like orang pelarian aka picnic kat bawah block. Am sure kalau ada sesapa yg kenal we ols pasti kita kene "kaled"nye but once a while we have to do something out of the box kan? so ni lah yg kita buat while dibdib bizi chasing after a fat cat!! Alhamdulilah, dibdib is better t...
scene 1 Boss's father died yesterday, he was 75 and rich hehe... need to go and "pay respect" i hope adalah yg sudi nak bagi tumpang .. bley pergi sesama. scene 2 Without boss around macam2 soalan cepu mas dtg bergolek gelantang. I have to act smart and be smart to deal with it. Mak oiiiiii!! May Allah help me .. La Haulawala kuwata illa billa .. so far so good. Alhamdulilah for your guidance. scene 3 "kadang2 i rasa kita dah lama together but u masih tak faham I" - nada kesal, mood pasrah. i just told myself, i hope i did the right thing. Insyallah by tomorrow he'll be thanking me for what i did. On a personal note: it's hard to swallow such words but looking at the situation hati dan lidah bisa saje berkata apa saja, i pun begitu jugak. Nantilah ayang, bila datang peluang sekali lagi mungkin kita akan lebih bersedia. scene 4 "eh murah ajer, bley beli dua" - muka i jadi cramp macam ikan saden. Mungkin saje murah bagi anda tapi tidak pada s...
YESTERDAY: i was told "shanti is under depression". i was shocked to hear cos i know she was stress, i didn't realise she's taking it badly. Last nite Shanti went to see her GP and she ended up crying to the doctor. When i called her, she said everytime she talked abt what she's going on with her life, she would cry ... i feel so sorry for her. Its not easy to handle everything at home. Like what Karen White sang " im not your superwomen". Currrently,she's looking for a maid who can take care of her 2 sons. Her old maid had gone back to india, she had difficulty finding a replacement who can work!!. Afterall, her husband cleanliness standard is very high. So while no maid at home, shanti would hv to be the maid taking care of everything. Mana tak depress kawan aku tuuh! she was all crying + laughing ova her current state, that sound crazy ain't it?? i know its under control but its a tiring process, i don't know how long she can take ...

my thot says..

enigma baru balik dari cuti panjang .. wah syioknyer i guess in life when u work hard, u have to play hard too. welcome back enigma. thanks for forwarding the email, actually i did received the mel but hairankan asal i tak reply? .. lama i dinch email awan, wonder how he's doing .. i got no strenght to email lah.. penat, ngantuk dan sibuk. i guess this is how life gonna be especially after feb.. awan, how are u? zuhri's comments going up up in the way ... i think i lose touch tak sempat nak baca, im lost cekya, cuaca doesn't look good so u take care of ur health ok dear tatot, i miss chatting with u lah.. imshe, what do u think i shld get for jun's b'day eh? wtl, how's the reports progressing? ari & kak lis, everytime i pergi jln2 am sure to look around for the most "haffening couple" cekmi, u dah balik dari kelantan ke? ur place tak banjir eh? dzue, its raining season kat sini. kat sana yuki masih turun ke? tadi pagi i saw one kid melalak-lalak ...
tengok tengok Retreat 2006 to ClubMed Bintan... sungguh menjanjikan.. tapi aku dah hilang semangat utk pergi. segala rombakan yg berlaku di office semakin menyulitkan minda utk teruk berfikir .. aku lihat persekitaran ku .. aduhai saleha!! macam mana tak enak deria telingah mendengar lagu itu .. macam gitulah perasaan aku .. pagi tadi, aku dengar boss aku nangis teresak2 pastinya ada khabar buruk. Tepat benar jangkaan aku .. bapak dia dlm keadaan semi-coma akibat kangker liver. Doktor menjangkakan bila2 masa saja dia boleh pergi ... shanti masih tak masuk offis lagik. Gara2 pembantu baru yg mamai .. membiarkan anak shanti yang hampir satu tahun itu termakan medicated powder .. anak shanti ceri-beri dari isnin lepas .. abg khalil baru dapat confirmation yg dia akan dihantar ke tempat lain untuk mulakan tugasan barunya disana bulan depan. Teringat aku masa2 dulu .. bila ada ulat2 taik yg nak mengganggu aku, pastinya abang khalil akan beri warning pada mereka. Abg Khalil is my BodyGuard!...
near to raya korban, sure kat radio ada lagu nih: ada dua orang tua, sorang datuk, sorang nenek, baru lepas berTAWAF. berdua mereka MENANGIS, mengucapkan puji syukur, tentang kurnianNya Mereka datang jauh .. bla bla bla c/o wahai maha kuasa, tak ternilai nikmatMu, hampir kami tak sanggup,menerjah lautan, umat manusia ... di depan kaabah, mata menatap seluasnya, terubatlah semua, kerinduan... are u familiar with this song? kat s'pore almost everyday lepas azan maghrib di radio pasti ada lagu nih.. bagi saye, lagu ini pastinya mengingatkan peristiwa bodoh saye yg berlaku selamat bertahun2 dari kecik sampai remaja sampai lah nak kahwin baru lah i paham lagu ni pasal apa. Nak tahu cerita?? it has been a hobby of mine to listen to lyrics of the song so i understand what the songs are all abt. so bila i dengar lagu kat atas.. yg i dengar ialah ada dua orang tua sorang datuk dan sorang nenek baru lepas "bersama" [my interpretation: what???!! bersama as in sex?? apa nih lagu pas...

awal yg indah..

case 1 padi dan enny dan lama berkenalan dari bangku sekolah lagi. few yrs back masa aku dan padi ke kl .. sempat aku mengorek rahsia mereka berdua. padi kata enny baik, tak banyak hal, padi pun tak kisah dengan aktivity enny sebagai model sambilan. Mereka bertunang tahun lepas.. tadi pagi ibu kata padi nak putus tunang. huh? case 2 abg si padi pulak sudah berteman dengan seorang cikgu. aku blum jumpa lagi cikgu nih, tapi yg aku dengar orang kata cikgu ni tak lawa.. sweet pun tak de. hmmm ..abg si padi pulak, kalau salah pandang macam si hans isaac. aku tanya ibuk, dia dah istihara ke? sebab aku tak mahu kemudian hari cikgu ada rasa inferior bila dapat laki hansem .. bley gitu? case 3 aku di panggil jumpa boss tadi. sebelum itu aku minta lovey doa agar apa yg berlaku adalah yg terbaik utk semua. Boss kata, mereka dah pikir masak2 dan mengambil keputusan utk transfer shanti dan connie ke dept lain. Aku dan boss akan tetap disini. Aku yg mentally dah prepare ketawa2 nangis sebab aku...

so wats the story?

its kindda hard to write these days. words dinch just flow as it used to. few times i tried typing but nothing seems good enuf for my own reading pleasure. wat a way to start 2006, probably due to incident after incident happened in my life makes it even difficult for me to blog. Anyway, its not as if im celebrating my new year in 2 places at one time like cekmi or been to the coolest gig and getting a vip seat like zuhri or thinking of a wonderful meeting with friends or studying long hours for future sake or going to a wonderful wedding cum b'day and to (my fav childhood place) @ the how par villa. (Pause) But come to think abt i t.. my new year was not that bad, Alhamdulilah am bless with coziness of lovey and dibdib. Lepakking at home under a big white tent watching LOTR 1 (again!!) from tv2 (memang kental!!) the movie was suddenly disturbed by a count down slot ... and funny thing, they cut the cake before the clock strike 12. errrr .. aint we share the same time zone du...