"You may not feel pregnant yet, but your body is going through miraculous changes. In your uterus, the ball of cells that will become your baby is dividing furiously. Though it's only about the size of a poppy seed, it's officially an embryo now. Are you feeling queasy yet?" for some reason, ive been feeling bit of discomfort every now and then. Im trying not to think to much but kengkadang macam sekarang nih rasa gubra gak. Connie said just hv faith in ur lord.. oh yes, i've been praying to Allah and talking to the little seed in me. I guess from now on the entry will be more on mommy stuff lah nih. Thinking abt me being pregnant sure makes my mind buzier than ever. What's with trying to eat healthy food, buying more panty liner, susu soya like awan and emmy suggested, thinking of who'll be my gynea, what am i gonna wear for this raya, utang puasa masih blum langsai, i keep on feeling tired at nite cian dibdib im not there to study with him. This 1st t...