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Showing posts from September, 2006

fragile ..

Malam 7: Seolah-olah ia dapat bertemu dengan Nabi Musa serta menolong Nabi 'Alaihissalam menentang musuh ketatnya Fi'raun dan Hamman. Malam 8: Allah mengurniakan pahala orang sembahyang tarawih sepertimana yang telah dikurniakan kepada Nabi Allah Ibrahim 'Alaihissalam. Malam 9: Allah kurniakan pahala dan dinaikkan mutu ibadat hambanya seperti Nabi Muhamad S.A.W.. last thursday, i was couhging badly .. i went down to the clinic and doc gave me a bag full of medicine but no MC. Friday, my flu, cough and fever was getting worst so i called up my gynea to write me mc for the day. I rest the whole day at ibuk house but i still maintain my fast. At this point of time, my already aching body felt so weak and the cough hurt my tummy and my lung a lot. I feel terrible already but i still continue fasting. today, am trying very hard not to cough that often cos it hurts my lung and chest so much that i hv no idea how to bear with the pain anymore. Apart from that, there was a ...

my little dibdib

my boy has a fren. I finally got to see her.. his fren is very pretty indeed!! Btw, to cekya and the rest, kalau nak tengok hady and Jon sing the lagu wajib You give me wings for the SI2, just click the link below. hady mirza jonathan leong

puasa kite

Malam 5: Allah kurniakan baginya pahala seumpama orang sembahyang di Masjidilharam, Masjid Madinah dan Masjidil Aqsa Malam 6: Allah kurniakan pahala kepadanya pahala Malaikat-malaikat yang tawaf di Baitul Ma'mur (70 ribu malaikat sekali tawaf), serta setiap batu-batu dan tanah-tanah mendoakan supaya Allah mengampunkan dosa-dosa orang yang mengerjakan sembahyang tarawih pada malam ini Alhamdulilah dah 4 hari kita berpuasa. Dlm 4 hari tu jugak mesti ada yg merasa ada ahli keluarga yg telah pulang kerahmatullah datang ke rumah kita. Hehehe .. sory lah ini bukan cerita hantu, tapi kalau ahli keluarga tuu terdiri dari orang yg terdekat pastinya kita mengalukan kedatangan mereka menjenguk kita .. selain dari itu, pastikan kita tak lupa mendoakan untuk mereka, pasti mereka bahagia sekali. Dah 4 hari kita berpuasa, dah dapat ke kita menghayati ramadhan? atau kita sekedar menahan diri dari berkata yg celupar serta bersabar dan mengikat perut dari menahan lapar? Sebenarnya, aku sendiri...
Malam 3: Berseru Malaikat di bawah 'Arasy' supaya kami meneruskan sembahyang tarawih terus-menerus semoga Allah mengampunkan dosanya Malam 4: Memperolehi pahala ia sebagaimana pahala orang-orang yang membaca kitab-kitab Taurat, Zabur, Injil dan Al-Quran. Saturday, i got plan in my head - i wanna go shopping and makan!! Actually, lovey promised me last week but since he got to finish his work - i tried my best to be understanding wife and "sulk" alone. (You see ligo, mood i pun mendak jugak last 2 weeks but i tried to keep within me.) On friday nite, lovey got a called from his mama that they all going kubur the next day. Hmm i was speechless, again i had to put aside my desire to shop and give way. So, that saturday everything changed. I did the laundry, washed toilet and clean up the house with the help of dibdib. It was tiring, i tell you especially with my current condition but i couldn't help it cos i have a feeling that my MIL and FIL sure to singgah m...

Ramadhan 1427h

Malam 1: Keluar dosa-dosa orang mukmin pada malam pertama sepertimana ia baru dilahirkan, mendapat keampunan dari Allah. Malam 2: Diampunkan dosa-dosa orang mukmin yang sembahyang tarawih serta kedua ibubapanya (sekiranya mereka orang beriman).

food & fast

today breakfast: satu bungkus Nasi lemak satu ketul epok2 telur 1 can Nescafe i still have bread with butter + cheese & yakult in my bag. later am meeting Ligo for lunch huhu... kemaruk makan before puasa kot??? ape jer!!! Lovey bought me a dress right before my b'day, the shop owner said alteration took abt 2 weeks. tapi, dah lebih dari 2 minggu baju blum siap lagik. Yesterday, i dah cukup "berani" konon kalau baju tak siap i was gonna ask for our duit back. Sekali tu, when i called the sales gurl started calling me "darling". Aiyooo wa banyiak cair lor.... and i got good news, the baju dah siap for collection. Yeah!!! i got one baju raya already... kepada ibu2 mengandung tu Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa ye.. let start telling our baby that they hv to fast too.. semoga kita diberi kemudahan dan kesihatan Insyallah.


this morning an office colleague suddenly stunned to see that im pregnant!! He was like "Lun is pregnant??!!" hmmm.. and i thot everyone in the dept already knew that. It was so funny!! Aiyooo my tummy is big leh... and he only realized it today. In disbelieved he came to me, grabbed my hand and congratulated me. Hmmm ... i read cek naj's entry on how she likes being pregnant. How come i didn't share the same enthusiast as her. Maybe working mothers have other things to deal with (perhaps?) By the way, am so excited that this year Bazaar Geylang Serai is so near to Paya Lebar MRT station. Looks like i got chance to survey the place hehehe... yeah!!!

BBQ, water retention & video

Have you noticed the muscles in your uterus tightening now and then? Some women feel these random contractions — called Braxton Hicks contractions (false labour) — lasting from 30 to 60 seconds, they're nonrhythmic and irregular and, at this point in your pregnancy, they should be infrequent and not painful. Call your practitioner immediately if you have an increase or change in vaginal discharge (especially if it's watery, mucus-like, or pink or tinged with blood), abdominal pain or menstrual-like cramping, more than four contractions in an hour, an increase in pressure in the pelvic area, or low back pain, especially if you didn't have it before. - taken from yesterday after work i dah start rasa perut very tight. Kengkadang tuu rasa tak sedap pulak.. hmm its not painful but discomfort lah kira. Last nite pulak, lovey ajak pergi BBQ organized by his unit. Oh kira dapat lah jumpa those pple that i heard of all this while. It was fun, Sammi and Lim pulak (...

crave for..

im imagining myself blogging while sipping the banana choc ice blended but nayyyyyy it dinch happen like that in real life. Yesterday, i made an attempt to go out with dibdib for a bus ride but the real reason obviously was to go coffee bean. AND geramnyer i bila dapat tahu yang Coffee Bean dah tukar jadi Yakun Kaya aahaak!! gelak giler ar kira so i have to settle with choc milkshake jer. Today am 31 wks pregnant, Alhamdulilah. Kengkadang tu dlm hayalan terbayang jugak macam mana agaknye bila final sign of giving birth tu nanti eh? what IF my waterbag broke while i kat office?? sure can blog dulu lepas tu cepat2 gie hospital kan? heheheh or would i be smsing pples on my way to hospital just like what ligo did last year. And who says 2nd pregnancy shld be ok, cos we know what to expect .. sebabnya i can't even remember how contraction feel pun. Seram gak eh? ok cuaca macam dah ok gitu, i think i nak turun bawah lah.. gie coffee bean!! yahooo... p/s: tersedih sekejap smlm bila ...
entah dah berapa banyak draft yang aku tulis tapi tak de pun yg aku suka. entah lah menurut orang ramai keadaan dlm opis nih sejuk menggigil tapi aku masih inginkan banana chocolate ice blended. Sebab i got warmer in my tummy so i tak rasa sejuk .. yg ku rasa kat opis nih hanya angin sepoi-sepoi seribu bahasa yg membuatkan aku mengantuk dari pagi hingga sekarang. Banana chocolate ice blended .. i wanch you!!! telah ku jelajar dari satu blog ke satu blog .. cerita tentang rindu, kematian, norkiah, strawberrry, alahai,, ada jer cerita2 yg mencuit hati yg ova ala ala biahOva pun ada. Looks like everybody is doing pretty ok .. but terasa lonely lah sikit sebab u ols get to meet each other face to face...OH yeah, dats remind me of last nite dream. Smlm i mimpi i gie satu tempat tuu entah tak tau kat mana so dapat lah mulanya bertemu dgn adren & awan. Entah muka mamat manalah agaknye yg muncul kat dlm mimpi tuu.. then followed by cekya, cekmi and jimi. Jimi lagik besh... dia jelma ...


Last saturday check-up was great. Err.. im 30weeks now, baby kimi dah 1.5kg and ibunya pulak dah hehehehe... first time reach 64.6kg. Takpe, its all for a good cause. Overall, ive gain abt 6kg so far. maybe ramadhan nanti i won't get heavier .. aduh bley pengsan fikirkan pasal berat badan hehehe.. Lama jugak aku tak update, smlm i took urgent leave cos lovey tak sihat. AKu pun malas nak kerja so we had fun the 3 of us.. gie doc, makan kat McD sambil berebut makan Hot Fudge Sundae with dibdib. Lovey "bad mood" pun dah ova. Instead, kita smua keep on teasing and playing and adoring dibdib. Dibdib is too energetic for his ibu and ayah and the way he talks really amuse both of us. Oh yeah, dibdib suka tengok filem2 P Ramlee just like his ayah (did i ever mention that?) Smlm jugak i got the chance to clear some spyware on my PC .. tulah dapat chat kejap dgn cekya and tatot. Terasa pulak macam zaman dulu. At nite, the 3 of us clear up dibdib room yg berselerak dgn mainan....

Good wif Good

Pagi tadi dibdib wet the bed .. ive no choice but to bath him at 5.20am. Lepas tu terus siap for subuh and "weeeeeiiii" out we go to ibuk house. Lovey is doing his morning shift today which means i hv to take 2 bus to office. While waiting for the 2nd bus, an old nenek caught my attention. She looked pleasant, smilling infact; wearing her baju kurung and kain batik. She swing her legs happily .. and she was without shoes. I saw my bus coming but the nenek still occupied my mind. She looked familiar yet i wasn't sure who she was. I grabbed my wallet and "hadiah" for her some money. She accepted with a smile .. and i quickly board the bus. While in the bus, i saw her still swingging her legs and smile at me. Somehow i felt so "sedih". Over what? i dono .. it was a mix feeling. Maybe God was trying to tell me something .. i wasn't sure what it was.. but i hope i did what i was supposed to. I was tidying up my templates when i realised some of th ...

Mlm Nisfu Sya'ban

Mlm nih jgn lupa ok luangkan masa lepas solat maghrib baca yasin. lagi sekali buku rekod kita akan di dihantar ke headoffice. I wonder for the past 1 yr apa lah benda2 baik yg i buat, mana yg lebih banyak? seram pulak bila di ingatkan. Apa pun semoga kita semua selamat di dunia dan di akhirat, Insyallah.

malas nak kerja ah!

Sept in kebanyakkan cuti kene freeze bcos of S2006 but when i applied for half day today boss kata ok. Hehehe so i guess my dept is not badly affected kot .. btw, pada u ols yg dtg sini during this period pasti dapat menikmati bunga2 dan pokok2 menghias the expressway. Giler kan spend $$ sampai gitu sekali, apa2 pun i hope everything turn out well for the event. btw, am having banana nut muffin now. Not so sedap but kira ok lah.. kejap lagik am going to fetch dibdib and the 3 of us gonna shop for baby kimi!! I blum ada list on things to buy .. but maybe i can shop for baju dibdib jugak for hari raya in case ramadhan nanti i dah tak larat nak shopping sorang2. I hope the rest are doing well .. am in love with the song "kepastian yg ku tunggu" from Gigi - suara Arman reminded me of the band - test that dummy yg nyanyi lagu "hmmmm" dulu tuuu. U ols dah dengar blum the song? lagik satu i suka lagu from Search - Gothic hahahaha besh besh besh ar... ok lah, hv a nice d...


sejak dua menjak nih lovey become my greatest enemy. I was easily hurt, frustrated and angry with his response, gasture bla bla bla. On those nites, i would prefer to suffer terrible backpain in the morning by sleeping on the mattress with dibdib rather than to sleep with the "enemy". Its kindda scary when i think about it but i find it hard to control my emotion. No we don't quarrel at all .. it all happened in silent. If he unsatisfy with certain things (which hv nothing to do with either one of us) he would grumble and lecture me as it its my problem. Me on the other hand will thing of the nicest thing in the world. Yeah it sounded crazy, things were never like this before. Entah lah cobaan barangkali .. Kepastian Yang Ku Tunggu by Gigi di bawah sinar bulan purnama ku merenung saat terpisah yang ku jalani bersamamu keindahan dalam bercinta tidaklah mudah cinta membutuhkan ketulusan dan pengorbanan satu keagungan cinta tak terpadamkan mengapa semua ini harus terja...