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Showing posts from September, 2007

days ..

as usual every morning, lovey wud sent the kids and me .. last monday i took urgent leave. plan to run few errands. lovey plak down wif flu sebab kene habuk masa kemas bilik hehe .. wit the kids now, there was nothing much i can do to help .. nyway yg banyak pun his 'barang barang'. Ok back to the story, morning drive on the normal route, lovey was abt to change lane when the car suddenly swivel a bit. I had a shocked of my life, i hold the kids and i noticed lovey trying his best to control the car not to hit on the rail along the road .. slowly he drove to the shoulder lane. Whosh!! what a thing to happen. Alhamdulilah we were all alright. Berkat doa agaknya .. cos at that time we were reading all sort of doa .. and the short surahs .. our way to revise what dibdib already learnt. Lovey checked on the tyres .. all 4 lembek!!! caya tak? so he drove slowly heading to petrol kiosk. tuesday, bright and early .. all 4 set out to the car park when i felt something churning in my st...


nak blog tapi malas .. aishhh kan best kalau kita boleh download apa yang ada kat otak/ hati/ jiwa / perasaan into words. Tak payah jari2 ni berlari2 anak ketak ketuk picit keyboard. Baru 10 hari puasa lagu raya dah berkumandang kat radio. I think this year lagu air mata syawal will be my song lah. Tadi dengar sayup nah hati ... bila dengar yg lain2 tu ok jer.. oh, maybe lagu sudirman pun boleh menyentuh perasaan. Dulu dulu tuu ada lah aku sukaa sekali dgn lagi M Nasir, Satu hari di hari raya .. lepas tuu berubah ke Seri hari raya oleh sweet charity .. lepas tuu Ku pohon restu ayah bonda dari Aljawahir hahaha zaman2 notti kot.. lepas tu sepasang kurung biru walau pun aku masa tu tak de baju kurung biru... lepas tuu teringat zaman riang kanak-kanak .. siap nyanyi lagu indra shahril yang macam gini " Paul, Chong (sebut : pochong) mamat dan jonny, muthusamy ..." lepas tuu lagu anuar dan elina pulak hehehe tahun berganti, mood lagu raya pun tukar jugak lah... yelah skarang aku te...

season of the year

"Today is Mid Autumn Festival. I left a box of Fortune Cookies in the pantry for ID staff. Wishing everyone a peaceful, happy and healthy year ahead, and enjoy the full moon tonight with someone important to you." - YH tak sangka fortune cookies yang ditanggung Halal Malaysia hehehe .. Alhamdulilah, baik YH belik yg halal lagik. Teringat aku kata seorang hamba Allah nih: " melayu kat sana belasah jer" ish ish ish ... tak sayang mulut betul kan? oh yes i was looking for the msg inside the cookie actually ... could u read? " Your dreams are never silly, depend on them to guide you" oh yeah, the 4 digits that one for 4D lah apa lagik... interesting!!

i lost my kimi last nite

Ever since the renovation, all the four of us been sleeping in the same room. We didnt make used of the double decker bed instead we used a queen size bed and a single mattress to sleep on. Last night i slept in between the two boys.. its my nightly routine to wake up in the middle of the nite just to check on everyone esp the kids. Early this morning around 2am i had a shocked of my life when kimi was missing. He was not beside me. He was not in the blanket. He was not with lovey. He was not beside dibdib.. so where was he??? Panicked strike i called for lovey. Told him i couldnt find kimi. Lovey got up .. looked around the dark room, on the light and continued searching for kimi, still looking for kimi. Dibdib was deep in his sleep .. so where was kimi. The room door was closed, no way a 10mths baby can opened that. Suddenly, lovey knelt down and looked inside the pull out bed. Goodness there he was sleeping soundly. Lovey pulled him out .. he cried, unhappy cos we disturbed his slee...

taggie ..

sorry wtl, tak lupa cuma tak de idea ajer.. THE RULES: 1. Each blogger must post these rules first. 2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves. 3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. 4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've tagged, and to read ur blog.


Alhamdulilah .. Ramadhan tahun ini aku lebih peka dan bertanggungjawab. Cabaran memang akan datang semoga tak sehebat tahun lalu. Tahun lalu aku sakit hingga ke paru2. Dugaan yang maha hebat, ahzab rasanya menahan sakit, setiap gerak terasa perit dan pedih. Tambahan lagik aku sedang hamil waktu itu. Ramadhan tahun lalu datang dan pergi bagai mimpi. Tahun ini Ramadhan lebih berseri .. semoga banyak yang akan dapat aku raih. Semoga korang juga begitu ya..

ramadhan bermula

Alhamdulilah dapat jugak aku buat terawih utk merebut nikmat malam pertama. Biar penat asal buat .. mungkin bley buat motto ramadhan tahun ini. Lepas solat isyak dan terawik pagi tadi, aku terus siap utk sahur. cereal wif milk, bagel and a mug of nescafe. Tak lupa Vege good!! So far mengantuk yg ammaatzzz. Thanks to the geng, diorang ni buat aku gelak giler .. Semoga puasa kita akan lebih sempurna di hari2 mendatang, Insyallah.. Dari semalam gegaran gempa terasa disini. Masyallah.. yok kita doa same2 utk kesejahteraan dan keselamatan kita sesama Islam. ngaji ok jgn tidak2 ye...

catching up

something that we normally do before ramadhan .. visited my darling brother Anjarulan Coincidently this two baby girls were born in the same hospital on the same day. Cuzen yanto's princess Waila Maisara and my niece "Nur" happy to meet again
itu dia. apa jadi 3 ramadhan? aku nak kehadapan tapi aku takut aku nak berdiri kat blakang tapi tak patut aku tak de confiden yg aku boleh merubah apa-apa tapi orang lain kata aku boleh aku dah tak paham lagi siapa dia

kimi my love

Can you imgaine that cute lil face slipped and fall in the toilet and the next minute blood everywhere in his mouth. Go ahead let ur imagination do the werk. Oh yeah, that was wat happened last nite. Due to my negligience (why must it be me?). Kimi tried to stand by holding the glass door and the next minute he slipped and fall. * arrrrggggghhhhhhhhhh* i had a shocked of my life. Lifted him up checked his face all looked ok, tried to pacify him and then i saw blood on his mouth .. blood bloody bloody blood on my shirt, on his hand .. first time im my life i lost control of myself. I cried and screamed for lovey. Really really screamed looking at that bloody mouth. after the fall, he had slight fever, me had fever too wif headache. I cried looking at that non stop blood .. i cried some more till all the 4 of us visited neverland. this is my 777th post ..

its a girl!!

yesterday, an additional member of the family was born. On 6 Sept 2008, SIL gave birth to a baby girl @3.7Kg ... her 5th one urrmm of course attention now diverted to lovey and me. hehehe why aren't we so productive? MIL said after this i would have a girl too .. errr told MIL no one can confirmed on that .. anyway if i were to have another one i could not just stop there .. I don't intend to make Kimi the 'Melcolm in the Middile'. I would have to stop either @2 or 4 hehehe .. just my crazy teory but i think MIL accepted it hehehe .. she look a bit like me lah.. owwwhhh so prasan ibu su ni hehe


oh i think i forgot to mentioned that Jun called ibuk last tuesday. she got her own placed now. she broke her hp and her diary was in one of the boxes so right now she dun hv any of our contacts.. eh eh cam Mr Manager plak ops! she left a voice msg for me... she sound good and near.. Melbourne bila aku nak sampai agaknya?? last nite was an exciting nite .. near to 7 oclock right opposite ibuk house ada stage and kemah2 thot for cina sembahyang. Sekali tuu ada Getai lah... aku suka tonton getai, aku suka mooncake .. aku suka tonton Opera China juga ... this morning i find interest reading alfian saat - relief teacher issues on section 377A of Singapore's Panel Code and kim hong


so jimi asked me how am i doing cos dah lama tak update blog. Thanks jimi for your concern. Yup yup yup .. true enuf ive been bz taking care of Dibdib and Kimi and myself. Dibdib was ok ova the weekend up and chirpy as usual but around 1245 am early monday .. his body was feverish. He talked in his sleep and calling for me. He was still in dazed when i woke him up .. checked his tempreture 37.6 fever!!. Called up lovey cos Dibdib still did not response to me, he was shivering. Lovey tried to talk to him who was sleepy and weak. I fed him fever medicine and slept with him till morning. In the morning, we brought both kids to doc, one for consultation his temp rosed to 38.6 another for his overdue jab. early tuesday, dibdib fever had gone down. Kimi was a bit feverish and my head, stomach and throat .. spinning and churning both ways kene attacked. Got ready for work but parked myself at ibuk house .. drink coffee took nasi goreng and crashed on the bed. When i felt better i woke up .. g...

a day @ the Zoo

the much awaiting zoo trip was a success. all of us had a good time. we ventured every corner of the zoo. the kids and the grannies enjoyed themselves fascinated with the animals. Alhamdulilah. Great day for family bonding.