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Showing posts from May, 2014


Exam's over. Alhamdulillah. Kimi needs to work harder in his arabic. Adib top in his composition, Alhamdulillah. We got invited to price giving ceremony for Adib. He was top in class last yr. Ameen Ya Allah. Adek n family is back fr London safe n happy. Alhamdulillah. A MK wallet for a change... Ayah is staying with Adek starting tonite after 4mths staying here with me. Lovey told me not to cry. I asked him why shld I? But reality was.. he knew me better. 1.3oam, I was awaken suddenly, hope ayah is ok. Worried.. Need all the energy n time to clean up the mess. Its getting too messy for ayah to be around. Ya Allah, please guide us along. Help us and protect us Ya Allah. Ameen.