As per the title, this entry is abt that thin, small little moody boy, timid and shy. I first noticed him when he told me he didnt know what to eat during school recess. I was like "wot?" A P6 boy dont know what to eat??? Duhhh... than as weeks goes by, i started to notice Harith and his patern in life. One day, i told him that "life is not a pattern. Sometimes it works and sometimes i doesn't". I could not put Harith away fr my thots. Everytime i volunteer at the canteen, im sure Harith knew that his life pattern would be awkward and distorted. But he didnt get mad at me. That's the thing, you see! I feel like he allows me to talk n nag and pretty much get involve with his life. Today, i spotted Harith quieng to buy his 2pieces chicken without me asking him too. When he turned and saw me, i showed him 2 thumbs up!. He sat on different bench with different group. That was totally not his style. When i spotted him, he smile at me. Subhanallah!! Ya Allah, ma...
Now-40s..this is where i get personal