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Showing posts from January, 2016

dear Shan

What was the dream about? Im doing fine i guess. Just getting heavier cos its the eating season for me. Im trying to help my baby to gain more weight. Oh in case u dont know, we plan to name her Hana Adeena. Shan, during the 5th mth detail scan (last dec), Doc found a lot of abnormalities with baby Adeena. Its due to lack of some numbers of chromosome. Maybe due to my age. Doc suggested for me to terminate the baby as they found that baby is too small, there's hole in her heart, her breathing tube seems to be lesser, her left kidney is smller than her right. If I didnt terminate the baby, she will just stop growing and parish. But I couldnt do it Shan. Only God can take away live. Furthermore, she's bn so active kicking and responding to our voices all this while that I've decided to keep it and pray for miracles. During the 22nd week her size is abt 18th wks baby. When she's 24th week, she is abt 22wks baby. Now that i no longger vomitted my food, I hope she ca...
Hello Hana Adeena I pray to Allah to keep you safe all the time. Ayah has been taking good care of us. That only Allah can repay his kindness. The appt with Gynea last week was heart breaking. Cos Ibu and Ayah had build this wall to stay emotionally strong but words fr Gynea seemed to break it. Alhamdulilah, after a week, we are back on track. Happy and praying to your growth n health and may you able to grow as per normal babies. May your heart get stronger and not turn blue when i hold you in my arms in few months time. We love you baby Adeena. Barakallah fika...

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