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Showing posts from September, 2004
banyak yg ada kat dlm otak nie, mana satu nak buat dulu? ingat hati nak email kat satu teman tu nak tanya hal peribadi dia .. tapi tak jadi pulak takut aku dituduh kepo heh, tapi memang aku nak kepo aper .. hai, nanti lah .. sejuk betul kat sini .. kalau beradu sejenak pun enak jugak kan buat santapan jiwa dan minda. tapikan .. at the same time, aku rasa bersalah sebab aku kat sini, senang2 aman & damai,Alhamdulilah. tapi lovey ku kat sana having a difficult time. entah lah, cobaan agaknye. mungkin kita diuji oleh tuhan kerana Dia nak kita ingat dan dekat dengaNya .. mungkin. Tapi kan, walaupun ada orang yg sengaja nak cari pasal dan menyusahkan dia utk bertugas .. tak de pulak dia sumpah srana org tu. tak de plak dia benci dng orang tu. haaaai, tabik aku dgn dia. cuma aku harap benda2 remeh cam ni akan berlalu very soon. slamt semua ye .. aku nak zzzz to never never land.

Welcome to Singapore my dearie Eggs

heard over the radio that lori2 yg membawa telur dari m'sia sedang sibuk masuk ke kota temasek. yahoooo! telurs are back. Alhamdulilah .. tak akan ada lagik kekecohan, kegenjutan, kerunsingan pasal telur. Perang harga telur pun akan tamat lah dgn kehadiran telur2 dari seberang tambak. Amin heh, saja jer nak tulis pasal telur ..

our report book is going up!

eh bizi baca blog orang, i lupa nak update my own,heh..dats life. so yesterday been bizi at work and trying to finish up some stories that were forwarded to me. pray hard lunacy, such thing won't happen to u...amin. morning wake up at 5 and went straight to shower. it was a cold morning or was it b'cos of the air-con..hmm..anyway, i told adik that my ears ar all hers. i won't complaint again. so my journey to work with adik was filled with stories. But adik, if u reading this, i realize that ur specialty is that ur so chatty while mine is to annoyed u. heh .. oh ya, ur frens blog suck big time lah adik .. buat malu kaum virgo seh .. will read some more later heh to the "cek" puan yg baca blog nie, slamat membaca ok. to enigma im happy to hv u around. so the big story today, will be abt the closing day of our individual report to God. New chapters coming in .. but what hv we done for the past 1 yr? takut jugak kalau amalan berat kat kiri kan? all mornin...

its been a month since i've turned 30

a lot of things been going inside my mind. oh wat a weekend. on saturday, lovey took ugent leave to attend to a funeral. i applause him for the good deed yey!. by nite, we were out ..grab some burgers, buy some grocerries and lost my atm card. gosh! wat else can go wrong? my whole saving is in that a/c and with these days technology, u never noe what they can do with such card if i didn't realise it early. But cool man! its not everyday im loosing it. its not as if i did it on purpose. stop blaming me will ya? RHCP was on tv. saw them shouting "giv it away, giv it away, giv it away now! but it didn't suit lovey so ive to giv it away too by switching channel :( sunday, it was ok, but i kindda put pressure on myself for my carelessness. on top of that, lovey associated me with lovey sista!! hey man, I CAN'T TAKE THAT,k its pretty too much to digest. before the end of the day, we solve all the matters. but the pressure is still on me. this morning, young love...
smlm lunacy gembira krana sahabat jauh hantar berita. emo dia hilang dan egonye membesar sebesar sebutir pasir. gembira skali..sepanjang perjalanan di mrt dia penuhi dgn bersms dng temanya. hp baru dah ok jugak lah kira ..cuma dah 2 hari dia set alerm tapi tak bunyi ..slamat ada back-up alarm. seorang lagik teman sedang runsing dan tertekan. tulah kerja lunacy, melayan prasaan org. kekadang tuu dia tak payah beri apa2 pendapat atau jalan kluar tapi sekadar menemani teman yg sedang bermasalah. itulah kerja dia utk mencari kepuasan hidup. untuk menimba ilmu dan pengalaman melalui perjalanan hidup teman2 dia. skarang ni, lunacy dah mengantuk, time makan dah lama berlalu .. tak dapat dia nak menikmati beauty sleepnye. smoga secawan kopi dapat menbantu dia to stay fresh!. lunacy slalu jugak pikir .. macam mana agaknye reaksi orang yg membaca blog ini. apa agaknye persepsi dia tentang lunacy eh? harap2 dia tak sterotype kan lunacy dgn apa yg ada di benak otak dia. sebab tak semua yg di...
hari ini kita akan membincangkan tentang zakat. lunacy tak pernah berzakat harta. sebab dia tak de duit lebih yg cukup haul? tapi alhamdulilah skarang lain sikit. jadik tu, tahun nie, lunacy nak kluarkan zakat lah, Insyallah. must find time to do kira-kira lah. lovey dier dah bising, sebab risau kalau tak zakat nanti kene tuntut kat ibu segala mahkamah...aaarrrrhhh lunacy dengar enigma sakit. wah duh! sorry beb to hear, hope u didn't suffer too much. take care ya & hv a good rest at home. we pray that the infection can quickly be treated.
seram sejuk seluruh badan. nak sakit kottt.. entah lah. mata plak dah tak leh bukak. mungkin nak lelapkan mata kejap lepas ni. kenapa lunacy masih murung? sebab kerja dia tak dapat settle lah. Ya Allah pls help me ...

berhenti berharap

listerning to berhenti berharap makes lunacy a very sad person. entah kenapa rasa cam tak best ar but ni bukan prasaan 100% lunacy. Alhamdulilah perkara2 yg lain semua ok ok. tak de yg menggugat jiwa & raga cuma perasaan cemburu yg berlanjutan dari semasa ke semasa yg membuatkan lunacy muram seketika. tak pe lah, lunacy tak akan berhenti mengharap sebab jiwa dia belum nak mati lagi. tuhan akan slalu membuka opening end pada otak lunacy yg buntu ni, insyallah. [mood: confused] [listening to: berhenti berharap - SO7] [current project: programming ] Aku tak percaya lagi Dengan apa yang kau beri Aku terdampar disini Tersudut menunggu mati Aku tak percaya lagi Akan guna matahari Yang dulu mampu terangi Sudut gelap hati ini Aku berhenti berharap Dan menunggu datang gelap Sampai nanti suatu saat Tak ada cinta kudapat Kenapa ada derita Bila bahagia tercipta Kenapa ada sang hitam Bila putih menyenangkan ha... ha... Aku pulang.... Tanpa dendam.... Ku ...

wats up?

Friday nite, watched survivor new series and then continue with hindi movie. Reason for watching - in this movie they had a real kissing scene and not just camera trick. Mission accomplish hehehe Wake up in the morning and started with quick breakfast. Run few errands and lastly, headed to Mt Faber to watch c-a-b-l-e-c-a-r. it’s for my young lovey. He loves to watch it. We have no intention to go for a cable car rid, maybe next time ar. But it was good to be there. Dada used to bring us up there .. heh, now it’s my turn to continue with the tradition. It was hot and tiring phew .. would I wanna be there again?? I guess so .. Nite, lovey had dinner appt. I spent time with young lovey but I since we are too shack, we went to bed early. Wat do I noe, lovey didn’t enjoy the food but still got to pay thirty bucks for it. heh wat can I say … only the power of three works with u lah hihihi Sunday, cleaning and cleaning and cooking. My dearie uncle (who passed away recently) step da...

smile, and the world will smile with you

silent treatment was a bliss. i got camera hp out of the cruel treatment. oooh, i love my lovey so much. weekend is coming again. looking forward for a new advanture for my young lovey and new stuff for me to venture. LOVE, LAUGHTER AND SMILES NOT ONLY MAKE LIFE BETTER, BUT HAPPIER" lunacy singning out for the week

otak buntu ar ..

i dun like silent treatment. i get confuse, resah gelisah with silent treatment. and most of the time i dun even noe it's my fault. so please end it PLEASEEEEEE ... ari ari bizi tenung pc .. balik plak sibut tenung tv. cam ne? apa kemajuan yg kita dapat. kalau tak pun, kita rehatkan mata zzzzz .. pun truk jugak, mana ada kemajuan cam tu? tak sangka skarang mrt nyer platform jadi tempat org commit suicide. mrt dtg jer .. dia pun dive, sayang dia bukan superman. abis lah riwayat seorang apek.
sejak membaca blog orang lain dlm bahasa ibunda, terasa plak ingin menulis dlm bahasa yg same. apa ke tidak, bahasa menunjukkan bangsa - iye ke?? smlam di bugis terjumpa dgn budak juniors.bila aku tanya dia .. shopping ke? dia kata tidak cuma beli benda2 wajib jer. heh, tapi aku nampak dia beli kasut! hai.. apa kebenda benda2 wajib tu? oh jadi kalau aku beli benda nonsense baru lah dipanggil "shopping kot" .. hmm jadik, aku pun tak lah shopping smlm hanya setakat membeli spatu untuk diganti dgn yg lama -yang dah koyak dan pecah. lepas tuu ternampak plak kuali kecik ..aku beli utk ceplok telur. tapi sayang telur tengah kureng skarang.. hampa! dan utk young lovey ku .. 2 t-shirt (pink & purple) for u. so today, im wearing my new "old" shoe. apa tidaknye, its a new shoe but exacatly the same as my old one. adik kata "boring". hai ..lantak lah .. ive scan few pics ..maybe later i'll email it to my fres.

bau apa tuu??

kluar dari ofis, aku ambil jln blakang ..hehehe nak naik bus sebab ada temu janji dgn adik. tiba2 aku terbau sesuatu .. bukan sesuatu yg tidak enak di cium oleh deria hidung ini tapi bau-an itu mengingatkan aku pada suatu tempat. aku pernah berada di suatu tempat yg baunyer begitu .. taaaaapiiiii dimana ye?

enigma .. anyting wrong ..

entah kenapa .. fikiran ni slalu mahukan semua kekawan ok-ok. especially bila teman yg akrab dah makin jauh .. aku berterima kasih pada kekawan yg lain tuu yg sudi mengisi tempat yg kekadang tuu sunyi. sebab tuu lah kalau ada yg senyap aku jadik risau. hope semua ok2 especially enigma

.. and she always walk alone ..

I was determined to go tapi malu nak gie sorang. Entah kenapa tempat aku membesar tapi skarang segan silu bila nak ke situ kalau tak berteman. Majlis membaca maulid bermula pukul 3 ptg. Aku terlambat gara2 bawak my young lovey naik choochootrain. Hehehe Sampai jer, temanku masih blum muncul lagik. Maulid dah start, aku baca lah maulid kat tepi tangga kejap sementara menantikan duli yg maha mulia masuk mangadap. At last dia sampai, kita gie ke basement dan terus duduk kat hujung barisan … aku teringat; dulu aku & teman baik pernah duduk kat spot yg sama .. bukan kita baca maulid tapi kita tersangap2 hehehe. Tapi tu cherita dulu skarang nie semangat tengah kental nak baca maulid. Selesai jer majlid membaca maulid, kita semua pun mula lah berkenalan dan bersalaman dengan guru2, juniors & seniors. Seronok jugak sebab ni lah masa nyer nak keep updating on everything. Oh ya, yg paling best skali, aku& teman dtg secara casual. Blause & pants errrrm tak pakai jea...
hv u even been in a situation when u think u look good and posh while getting dresss but as soon as u get to office u lost the feeling. heh, happen too many times to me. why eh? tomorrow schedule is kindda tight. Another weekend burned i guess. my young lovey is having slight fever. oh love.. hope u'll be well by end of the day. i slept late again yesterday. had a last minute project before i can reach lalaland. plan to meet up with an ol'fren. hope its worthy heh ..

takut nak komen

just find out I got a new fan. Heh, thanks .. letak ar komen jgn segan ..get a “nick” for urself so u can remain anonymous. Gonna be bizi from now on with new project, heh, im using a bit of java script for this project, programming stuff lah. Apa daaa … im a javanese by I still need to learn the java script??. Maybe I need to meet up with my ancestor … karut karut …

..awan gelap jer..apsal?

entah kenapa hati rasa nak marah jer. ada jer benda yg buat hati ni merajuk, marah, geram yg tak sudah sudah. apsal nie? if i can control my tamper, that will be my top priority. but if i can't, then i have to blah from the situation bleh? hehe .. im sounding like mamat kat KL berbual plak sajorkk.. im pissed with someone at the meeting. heh, but thank God i didn't pass any sinful remarks cos if i did - im going to end up in a deeper shit! i had good company for lunch and eat up all the "gado" that i need. Hopefully after this I’ll be a good person. heh leceh btul! the song "berhenti berharap" neva sound the same to me again after i read someone's blog and the interpretention over this song. funi thing, even this morning, over the radio the dj commented tat the song bleh menitis kan airmata pada mereka yg ditinggalkan kekasih. mrk yg jiwanya sangat fragile .. but itu bukan aku. kuang kuang kuang

wats wif u guys

hey..hey..hey .. i can't stand having differences. Heh, I love to be different and i can accept differences but views?? i guess im the sort that “i noe when im acting crazy and when im not” but too bad my action didn’t seems to justified my principal. wat the heck im talking abt .. well, just had a casual talk wif a fren and she said she likes being herself which im cool wif it. but i add in to say sometimes it helps to do extra nice things to make people happy and makes ur life easy too (we're of course talking abt office politics). but i was accuse of being "the curry flavor" sort. eh??? was i? not that i noe off .. in lunacy's dickky, being nice to get away with a lot of stuff is CERTAINLY NOT CARRY FAVOUR. it's wat u call, diplomacy. heh .. hell with it lah. i dun care, im still me and happy wif me. diff in views are human. live & learn. ciou!
when i first started having this blog i wanted everybody to read it. but i guess now the felling has change. i dun care abt that anymore. my main concern is to write and keep on writting abt all the stuff that's going around in my head before it goes beserk! to umar adil who turn 1 last sat (4/9/04), happy belated b'day to my young lovey, stop hitting others pls ... but i still love u to my love, we'll shop for curtain lagik ke? to anwar ibrahim, touching moment to see u hugging and kissing ur daughter. wish well sir to enigma, 8 years together doesn't come easy ya? congrats for that, many loving year to come k..God bless u gosh, since morning i wanted so much to write but i kindda lost my "kick". Be back later ..

.. hail Anwar!! he's the hero ..

i've neva miss the NEWs but yesterday i told myself its gonna be ok not to watch the i watch s'pore idol instead. But guess what, the news that ive been hoping to hear for years was out yesterday! the liberation of Anwar Ibrahim! I was so happy. I was shocked to hear the news .. gosh, it's for real kan? after a 6 long years... he looks bad but the spirit has never die. Alhamdulilah .. sir, welcome back. jebat dituduh menderhaka but he's a hero to me anwar dituduh bla bla bla ..but he's still a good leader to me ...

.. solitaire ..

the grand finale of OC episode 27. due to some reason we couldn’t watch it with our office notebook and desktop. so i borrow my sis’s notebook and bring it to office. it was a sad episode. my colleague and i cried. wat’s so cool abt the whole series remain a mystery but it works magic and bonded few strangers. singapore idol is in the air. im not sure how’s craze is like but i just watch it whenever i could. its all drama lah everywhere. sometimes it amuse me but sometimes it just make me wanna puke. hehe but one contestant really impress us all when he sang “solitaire”. good voice, gd performance & gd attitude but he had to pull out from the programme due to the fact that his family needs him cos his father just passed away. why am i writing abt him? beats me i dunno. SOLITAIRE There was a man, a lonely man Who lost his love through his indifference A heart that cared, that went unchecked Until it died in his silence And Solitaire's the only game in town A...
7.45am im in the ofis. Ready to work ...hehehe on my blog! Its kindda quiet here but the feeling is good. First day of new working hour and everyone wants to be early. I feel like a skol kid trying to be early for class hehehe life is so funny. a lot of people can't believe that i can come in early to work. some says i can't even meet the 8.30 time what more 8!!! Shoot. Had a dream last nite that i was late to work. It was 8.45am and im still at my mom's house. I guess that was a good sign cos late means early. hehe who ever says that i duno maybe it can be found in the encyclopedia of lunacy's head. How's that? anyway, thanks to my darling and mom for making breakfast & early to work a reality in lunacy's world.