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aku nak balik ar..

hey all,
smlm bila update blog using adik nyer notebook i was suprise to know that banyak seh icon yg available ie: frm font to size, color, alignment .. and all those stuff i tak jumpa pun bila update my blog using my fav pc kat opis ni.

anywaysss.. hari ni aku nekad opps, bukan naked okiess utk pergi opis. tapi kan ... adik baru call, she's going out. aik! even tho ibuk beransur pulih im counting on adik & ayah to look after dibdib. cos i tak mau ibuk to tired herself, i nak her to hv ample rest. but its partly my fault too for not making it clear smlm. later, i'll give ibuk a call lah.. if she can't handle maybe i go back at noon. anyway, my boss pun expect me not to be in the office for the rest of the week :)

reality really bites ain't it?? ouch!!!
lovey family hv been very concern abt my ibuk .. thanks korang smua eh. and so are my fellow frens yg rajin jenguk saye di sini. Terimakasih segalanya. yg kureng simpati tuu agaknye ayah saye kot??? asal lah sejak dua menjak ni rasa marah pada ayah makin menekan plak ... ni perang dingin yg dah lapuk tapi tetap membara...kesal banget atas segalanya

adik kata tadi ayah marah dibdib for the 1st time. aku bukan nak defensive abt it. tapi kalau kemarahan itu membantutkan semangat than, i tak suka lah. kalau kemarahan itu yg menyebabkan aku jadi pengecut than i would detest it. nilah aku.

pada pembaca:
aku terikut perasaanku.. korang tak ya lah nak susah2 pikir pasal aku ok. pada yg kenal aku tuu, i am me lain dari korang lah :(


Mama Emmy said…
hahaha, there's plenty of room to improve our blogs kan.... sebenarnya bukan je icon, malah segala mcm benda boleh dibuat dlm blog nie.... kita je yang tak tau kan...kan..kan..kan...

btw, glad to know that everybodi is recuperating including ibuk...alhamdulillah....

lunacy yang enigma kenal tak pernah berubah... masih angin sattu kapla.... well, i love you for what you are beb... so dont worry ok.... cumer jgn teremosi lelebih tau.... that's not healthy you take it easy yek...

but sekarang nie both my babies (I mean my hubby and ain) pun tak sihat.... the virus is really having fun travelling around the world.... ish...ish...ish..
Anonymous said…
notebook ngan pc ofis guna os apa ? browser apa ? maybe tu ada kaitan ..

'naked' pon ok gak, samer je bunyi ngan 'nekad', just katakan typing error as an excuse.. : )

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