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Showing posts from March, 2005

someone so happy...

someone euphoric again huhu.. very the happy awak ye .. and am sure ur soulmate tak sabar menunggu kehadiran esok. Have fun korang!! talk all nite long yeaaaa awwwwhhh, i miss my jun and i miss my lovey tooo. smlm kaki lovey swell ... i noe it must hurt a lot, me feel so helpless and start to cry on his chest. He usap usap my hair ... buat i lagi sedih. For once i realized that he's my strength. God bless him pls... bless us all.

hari hari ku..

blog seems dead for awhile..wat to do i was too occupied with my real life story. heh, who doesn't. but seriously, fellow sahabat bloggers always in my always wonder what they up to everyday. to ad, thanks for keeping me update bro and be careful bila driving alrite.. hmm..up till now chicken rice still belum termasak lagi lah awan. how to tapau for u? maybe this weekend kott.. tengokla if i gie beli ayam ... nasi ayam takde, lum gie swensen ajer.. huhu..syiok nyer menjamu selerah di sana.. we went to the airport after my last Hep B jab last sat. Airport tu near to my house .. so bila dah kat sana .. kita gie makan lah di swensen, kebetulan lovey dapat performance bonus.. Alhamdulilah rezeki minalAllah... Sunday pulak as plan kita gie masuk JB. heh, cian kak yah..sori yek takde kain yg berkenanlah.. kita gi arab street ajer lah ye.. bila sampai kat giant tampoi plak sempat makan icecream fav cekya " la cremeria - almond pecan praline" nikmat nikmat .. tak bedek, ...

gOOd fRiDay

korang tak cuti ye today? its public holiday kat sini sebab tu lah i sorang jer dah weekend mood smlm .. now i baru tahu. tadi kat watch tv1, ada sambutan hari polis.. cian ada polis yg pengsa..hmm and i watch tengku ampuan tat how it suppose to be called? sorry kalau tersilap..she can cooks!! i plan to cook chicken rice today but guess what, the chicken stall blum bukak lagi.. so now kene carik alternative lain lah apa nak masak ... to Adren, thanks again.. to Danny, what ar u up to these days..?dun run away bro to awan, ur entry sungguh deep lah these days.. to adib, ibu penat lah kene tiup belon ... to lovey, what a nite eh... to kroll, hangin there .. to tatot, cekya, wtl.. like ur company a lot to halian, am not looking forward for any "bad tudung day" yeah.. to i_mshe & thedreamer, u guys still there... to enigma, miss u

unfinish business..

hey there long time tak here from u.. heh, lame excuse to email kan? i just don't feel like working today.. its too quiet here in the office.. boss takde kerajinan go down the drain i guess. so apart from studying what else u been doing these days? my mind can't stop talking .. that's what happening to me. my fingers keep on typing ..yet my heart keep on saying "stop it" hmmm.. i need to get away from this PC or else i duno how many entry am gonna make just for today... and the above is just one of those emails yg tak sampai ke destinasinyer cos i just wanna stop emailling until i say ok again. huggghhh!!
am bored, been hopping from one to another blog. jalan-jalan carik cerita. Nothing much happening around the blog world or maybe nothing interest me. At last, i read my own blog. Sept 2004 entry. sayang..komantar yg ada dah hilang kalau tak mesti cun baca those comments. Kroll, i saw it! 21 sept 04.. lirik lagu berhenti berharap. heh..that's how u find me. cool eh? and adren change his blog addy in sept 04. aik, not even a year dah kene pindah lagi eh Ad... utk ribuan kali i lunch-in again. today, i ate mee hoon goreng.. heh, i was squeezing the lime suddenly Oh pocot! the lime fly to my blouse... mrs. clumsy in the house lah nampaknye .. anyway, ive been sitting a lot lately and u sure know what sitting can do to ur butt. Mine in the process... tak rellaaa mak! ah, yesterday adik said that her fren saw my pic and he said who is she.. look soo old. hmmm, my heart is saying go ahead and hate that boy. he deserve it and he doesn't look 23 either!!! so tadi while in the toilet i ...

looking forward: long weekend

arrrhhhgggg finally long weekend is coming. am so tired.. badan macam nak retak .. malas malas malas nak kerja. Sunday Insyallah seluruh angota keluarga lovey + lun akan turun JB lagi. this time around sebab nak blanja mak makan.. tempat not sure lagik. Why JB? kat sini tak leh ke.. beats me i duno kita yg termuda ni ikut ajer. Irritatingly, lovey sister nak cari material for abg cik wedding. haiyok! part yg ni slalu buat lun naik darah... irritating sungguh!! (Danny, maybe u cool a bit after reading today's entry hehe) few reasons to take note: we got diff taste, diff style, we are just diff. But i guess i just hv to be truthful.. kalau tak suka cakap jer tak berkenan. Daripada tunjuk muka 14 lagi tak baik. I shall pray lot lot semoga tak hilang sabar.. tadi kat dlm lift sempat berbual dgn a colleague from diff dept. he said skarang nak masuk JB susah..i was like uh? what u mean? dia kata last week kat jln a fook or something, ada ustaz from SG kena pukul dgn besi kat sana. It ha...

ada apa dgn mu..

kelip-kelip malam hati berdetak seketika, apa yg lun jangka and lun duga akhirnya terjadi juga. Its abt time i noe. i got pissed too reading comments after comments from him. maybe back then when u know him, he wasn't like that but i tell u he is such a drag queen!! ==>> i was virgo. can't stand him and his blog too. So full of himself... uuurrgghhhh tak sellleeerrree mak! gonna miss u, gonna miss ur blog, gonna miss everything abt u... let me know where i can find u dearie or else i'll be missing u.. early corny morning. yup.. life is great. keep smilling. lots of stuff in my head. hmm.. morning yg indah.. solat sunat subuh krn teringat kata ustaz di radio bahwa tiada apa yg lebih indah di dunia ini dari solat sunat subuh. ngantuk sakan.. lambat ke ofis.. yet i'll see the normal people in the bus. hehehe.. its either they or the bus yg lambat. had a shocked of my life yet i know it's gonna happen anyway. Can't find my fav blog (that explain the pics!). ...

wanita bulan ini

few more days to go and i'll be Very The BIZI, as for now, life is great. hehe actually, banyak benda yg terbengkalai yg perlukan my attention... tapi hati nie cam nak menulis plak mungkin kerana boss on leave kooottt ..sumber inspirasi and motivasi to work hard tak de kat opis tu yg lun kurang productif agaknya. hehehe dasar! Kisah mereka: 1 - Mukhtar Mai : seorang wanita Pakistan yg di rogol secara berkumpulan. (heard it ova news tapi tak bother but mind was disturbed bila terbaca di blog awan. 2 - Aminah Wadud : seorang wanita america yg menjadi iman kepada kaum lelaki semasa solat jumaat. (adakah ini satu lagi propaganda utk menjatuh Islam?) Whats ur reaction to the above

weekend bliss

I met ani last Friday while doing my marketing for the weekend. Lama tak jumpa dia, I tot bila jumpa sahabat lama mungkin perasaan dah berbeza. Alhamdulilah everything remain same. I can feel the warm and love of a good friend in her. Hehehe..makin sihat kau ani? Tapi aku pun apa kurangnye kan? How I miss those days…singles..hang out by the beach looking for shooting stars and talk abt life. F inally I watch Lord of the Rings. Bought the vcd yrs ago but only semalam I got the mood to watch it. It was superb. I cried and cried ..heh, did people cry when they watched the movie? the fellowship and the brotherhood really touched my heart. especially, after my encounter with Ani, it really ring a bell in my head that ive been ignoring by "sahabats" for too long. The character Frodo and Sam reminded me of jun and lun… persahabatan yg simple tak banyak songeh but always there for each other. O n Ch 5 ada American Beauty, another movie that I missed. Glad to watch it best sesangat h...

key to happiness errrrr ..

key to happiness by lunacy a fren email me this picture. i find it kindda interesting. don't u think so?

i miss u...

been thinking of jun quite a lot these days.. yet i feel at ease maybe my instinct tells me that she's doing fine over there down under. An email from her yesterday prove me right. She misses us all and she can drives now. Waaayyy to go dearie sayang. arrrggghhh now i feel the sebakness and i miss her so much. i bought this nice card few moons back for her. Just can't resist buying it. the words are just too perfect. i think now is the time to send it ova... i miss you (when something silly happens, AND i think of how we'd laugh about it) i miss you (when I'm having A baD Day, AND I know your smile would cheer me up in A minute) i miss you (when there exciting News, AND you're Not here to share the celebrating) i miss you (During ORDinary Moments, when just being together would make the DAY special...) ARE u missing ANYone right Now??
eVerydAy lIfE by lunacy by end march, my life in the office will be hectic nak mampus heh too early to use such word ke? anyway, today lun berhajat sangettt nak clear my desk lah. its damn too messy with papers everywhere. i took a pic of my workstation the last time and some family members gimme a "u very messy / disorganize person" kindda laugh. uh well, the pic was for lovey and ibuk to see how bizi i was at that time apa nak buat picture tells a lot abt a person so i rest my case. dibdib having fever..dats why im sleepy didn't sleep much. nothing else..

trust broke hope truthful

Trust someone asked me if i can be trusted, what should i say? "yes, you can trust me 100%!" heh, i don't think i can say that. its too wordy. And so .. the matter on trust becoma an agenda in my mind. Finally, i concluded that TRUST has to be earned. it has to be built thru frenship. When the times come and your instinct feel at ease that's the sign that u can trust that someone. Maybe this is the answer to the above question. Broke i am broke. i need a pay raise. i need the promotion badly... i need it! Did my financial check over the weekend and was sad to know that im far from where am suppose to be. I still manage to save abt 20% of my salary yet i need to save more!! i have to cut on my misc expenses ... Hope a) it is so related with broke. Lovey and me have a common Hope for a "xxxxxx xxxxx" yet our current financial situation doesn't seem to be on ourside. saving is important, standard of living is too damn ex here. can...

jUmMaAt iNi

Bismillah pagi ini pagi cerah. pagi indah. pagi Jumaat. dah lama tak mengaji. mungkin sebab tu lah terasa hilang kawalan amarah dlm diri. Alhamdulilah dlm bus tadi lun sempat baca surah yaasin & waqiah. Surah Yaasin kerana nak rebut pahala pagi jummat and Waqiah pula minta dimurahkan rezeki. Maklumlah.. kita jadi hamba jangan sombong diri.. lebih baik kita minta dariNya selagi Dia mau mendengar rayuan kita... lagi pun, lun rasalah.. appraisal letter mungkin akan keluar minggu depan atau tak lama lagi .. am HOPING for a promotion this year. Tho' i know pasti ada yg akan rasa *tak puas hati* but i still HOPE i'll get it. Reading danny 's entry today abt HOPE makes me realize few things. Maybe i shall start to HOPE too. Danny, am glad to be able to brighten ur day... try ur best and please jangan stress! Awan , dun worry. i shall not peep. u are still the wonderful Awanputih in Lunacy's life. yg lain, lun blum sempat nak jengah lagik so sowwrrryy ok .. will try late...


Thank u so much guys for your understanding. how can i express the love that i have for the people that i don't really know who there are? Cheer me up and kick my butt till I smile wide-wide… but i believe you guys are genuinely nice and fun loving people. We are not bunch of mutant logging to the system kan? but human beings full of empathy for others. heh, am lucky to meet u guys. Who knows? maybe one day we can meet (physically) .. up close and personal. Can't wait for such occasion to happen but until then.. keep on blogging - loving - understanding = for the sake of true friendship. today, am going out for lunch. need some fresh air lah.. its been long i didn't go to mustajab. make a date with my outdoor lunch partner early this morning. u guys .. hv fun @ lunch. me loving each and eveyone of u.. heran, suddenly i_mshe, dreamer & enigma hilang one after another... ish ish ish the shoutbox i did yesterday nite ajer still on trial run. see if its g...

Lost 'N' Found

lun & enig by lunacy at last my call been answered. heh, lun call enigma 's hp tadi and yeap.. dia JAWAB!! E: (suara jembu...) hello L: hey! at last i got u!! E & L : both laugh... L: eh kau kat mana asal senyap jer? E: aku kene outstation lah.. ni kat kuantan 4 hari, lepas tu Melaka 3 hari, Penang 3 hari.. im fine hehehe L: wei, family cam ne?? E: eh mana ada aku.. kan single! (gelak lagi) L: (hmmm nak kene rotan si enig ni tau) bla bla bla.. at last i got Enig yg sibuk beroutstation. Hai!! cam si Adren plaksss... Enigma suruh lun sampaikan SALAM RINDU dier to all fellow frens yang she miss sooo much. she's doing well .. dan sihat Alhamdulilah dari yg menyakitkan....She'll be back next week and will try to blog again.. errr.. Enig sempat tanya pasal Danny and remind lun not to ignore Ad. hmm mana ada..Ad jer yg bizi skang nie huhu.. sempat plaks lun update enig pasal Ad and enig told me not to layan prasaan2 tertentu..haiyok. sempat bitching on a long distant call ...

NeEd HeLP!

my sister dyan need help lah. Can anyone pls help her on her Sociology survey. Its abt: SEXUALITY IN COMPARATIVE : DIVEST SEXUAL ORIENTATION THANK YOU GUYS FOR HELPING!! WOOHOOO..LUV YA GUYS!

Internation Women's Day

she  hey there ladies.. happy WOmen's Day to u all!! Tsuminah korang mesti peka pasal tsunami yg melanda beberapa negara jiran 26 Dec lepas kan? tapi apakan korang smua tahu pasal Tsuminah?? heh, lun pun kurang peka tentang kejadian ini. And of course ia tak terjadi di jepun intead it happen di tanah arab sewaktu para jemaah sedang melakukan ibadah haji. tadi lun berbual2 manja dgn seorang teman dan dia bukak lah stori skit. teman lun ni dapat cerita dari Bonda (gelaran seorang ustazah, yg hatinya Masyallah..lama lun tak jumpa ustazah tuu). Bonda kata, arafah tahun ni dah berubah wajah. Jemaah di sambut girang kerana ada pintu gerbang dan lampu lap-lip, ada cafe utk minum2 kopi. Ada jemaah pula kata makanan2 di sana semua sedap2 belaka. hmm..di masa para jemaah kegembiraan ber wah wah.. Bonda meratap hiba..nangis sedih merintih melihatkan berubahan yg berlaku. Bagaimana nak beribadat jika segalanya berunsur duniawi?? Dlm pada itu, Bonda dipesan oleh seorang hamba Allah supaya m...

am back

hari ni bizi.. in-box sampai jam this morning, to many stuff kene cleared and lepas tuu kene compact kan the inbox plak .. ayoo tak leh angkat ar cam ni. then, berbual2 manja dgn some colleague here and there.. ada yg bertanya khabak kaki lun, ada yg berbual tentang boss yg akan pergi, ada yg dah tender resignation and consult lun abt giving farewell gift to the dept... hai, my wonderful everyday people are leaving me!! how sad... and my eyes turn red again... heh, lady D kene offer me tissue huhu. Haiyok! neng yatimah btul lah lun nie. ini blum cerita abt yesterday watching "7 heaven" on tv .. and awwww!! i cried ... mata lun still perit skit2 nie, ada yg tegur maybe i kene sore-eyes.. Ya Allah i mintak dijauhkan lah... tak larat rasanya nak sakit skang nie.. my off-in-lieu pun masih ada yg outstanding lagik.. now im granted another half day leave. Memang rezeki cuma tak de masa!! Ini pun baru lepas meeting and i got lunch date makan kat Indonesian restaurant.. am go...

Enigma dear.. where are u???

corbis disini saye ingin memaklumkan bahawasanya saye kehilangan Enigma . Ada sesapa yang tahu dimana saye boleh mencari kak Enig? sms saye tak dilayan..saye dan rakyat jelata semua resah menunggu kehadiran kak enig. Kak or Kak.. where are u???


tak nak merokok hoi hoi tak nak merokok hoi hoi jika merokok, nanti padahnya sounds familiar??? hehe i just saw it on tv and dibdib was engross watching the advertisement. kat sana tengah berkempen ye??? teruk lah org s'pura cam nie huhu... among u all my frens... sape yg merokok?? on second tots: kenapa slogan "tak nak" yg digunakan? kalau tanya danny, halian, cekya, awan or adren.. or the rest of my fellow blogger frens they sure can come out with something more cathy and trendy than just "tak nak". Gimme something with more impact to the smokers lah me here just the listener...hmm


Your Seduction Style: The Charmer You're a master at intimate conversation and verbal enticement.You seduce with words, by getting people to open up to you.By establishing this deep connection quickly, people feel under your power.And then you've got them exactly where you want them! What Is Your Seduction Style? hey Cekya...(i sound so free kan? 4 days at home that's why). i saw u did this test and i tried it too. this is the results. ME a charmer?? ape sey... the description sounds more like a manipulator huahuahua... but seriously, after getting to know me.. u gonna spend hours & hours talking to me on i don't know what.... anyone wanna talk??? hehe happy saturday all!
magic moment guess what??? my day was filled with kissing dibdib, watching Barney the purple dinasour, alif ba' tak' CD, sesame street... esp ELMO (dibdib loves to tickle elmo) ultraman dyna @ 7pm. Playing cars, truck esp the rubbish truck! dibdib latest craze!! Ya Allah... penat. And my house looks like a childcare rather than a home!! yet last nite, tak leh tidur. was jumping with joy when i got new emails in my in-box. take care each & everyone of u .. hv a nice weekend. yours truly @home still.


why am i missing this morning? pagi tadi bersiap sedia utk ke kerja... tapi kan, kaki sakit... i am limping now.. my toe hurts sooo much! i was thinking between see doctor or go work. In the end, the pain gets sooo and sooo and sooo...(apa jer eh?) i gie doctor lah. so its the bone on my toe yg sakit and now a bit swell. my toe is actually senget ... Reason: its my shoe. Very comman among the ladies. I got 2 days mc. Nice huh??? long weekend dude... doubt i can blog that much. I_mshe: we are so close now. I_mshe work place just next to my house (more or less lah) to all: sesapa yg nak kirimkan BUNGA, cokelat, ice-cream .. sila email kepada saye akan saye berikan alamat rumah!! hahahaha gilers seeyyyy lama kat umah! Insyallah looking forward for the quality time with my love one. until then, stay healthy, cheerful & happy. Thanks for dropping by.. luv ya! ps: enigma, u ok tak?? worry nie...
today is his b'day. he's a good man and a good boss. so many times i went to his room and cried in front of him.. arrhh an outstanding person he is. he just came to me and gimme a piece of news. he's leaving the organization... and i cry once more...
aku bagai disambar petir. dada tersusuk pedih. nafasku berat. tangan ku sejuk. semua ini berlaku dlm satu masa. aku salah tafsiran. aku hilaf. aku minta maaf.


heh, awan pecah lobang .. tuan lobang dtg bertandang huhu... slamat berkerja Ad. We all are happy for ya. Welcome to the real work... wei, jgn nak main doktor2 okies... hv a safe journey dearie, gonna miss ya nonsense huhu.. reading D's blog this morning.. i smile. smile wide-wide cam advetisement colgate! suddenly terasa cam love is in the air... D put his photo yg sungguh blur..hmm purposely punishing our eyes yg nak sangat tengok how u look like ke Captain??? enigma, u oks tak.. ayo sory to hear u tengah sesak kat tempat kerja... i_mshe, still recovering ke? dun forget to makan obat ya...thedreamer, nice chat yesterday... thanks for refreshing my memory. I love those times too..we snail mail each other.. i did snail mail enig jugak tau. entah dia ingat or not... (am i that caring? bukan nak riak atau bangga.. tapi terasa macam terbuka jendela hati.. siapa aku ini huhu?? maybe my standard of bitching is nothing compared to the real thing agaknya) clumsy i used t...


serene...  hope the owner won't sue me for using this pic cos i forgot where i got it tsk tsk tsk.. 2/3/05: boss b'day, eat a piece of cheese cake. hehe 4 days in row makan cake huhu nikmat nikmat... i lost 2 kg by not exercising but by skipping my lunch just to blog. yeah, i realize am a blogholic now. scaaarryyy cos yesterday, my bread that ibuk packed for me for breakfast was not touch till lunch and by 3pm i can't move much. i was shivering and the right side of my stomach hurt soo much. Ya Allah saaakkkkittt! i can't move much cos adoooooiiiiii!! the pain con't till nite. thank God it has gone this morning. today, ibuk pack me breakfast & lunch. hehe but i notice something, i had this kindda pain almost every mth now.. if one day i tak blog for few days, then u all tahu lah maybe, just maybe i dah... kene hospitalise agaknyeee...hehe


yesterday, my mind was kindda occupied. wats with dibdib registration for his nursery next year... a bro declaration on sadness, i need to sleep and hoping to find a nice moment together with lovey . Dibdib went to bed early last nite and lovey had to finished his work in the other room. Me? im watched drama kat tv2 hehe but after that got ready for an intimate moment .... huhuhu read on u guys ... read on... been asking lovey what he wants for his b'day but knowing him .. he's never bother to lavish himself with stuff. He said i got what he wants and that's enuf... ahekahek. so last nite, after lovey finish his work, he asked me if i wanna blog? kaklar kan lovey aku nie.. so i said ok lah for awhile. so we ended up with me reading my entry to him, comments by fellow readers and stuff like that. Lovey, like everyone else was very impressed with D's blog and of course tak caya D wrote a long entry for his Sis. It was kindda late and we decided to see dibdib before we...