am bored, been hopping from one to another blog. jalan-jalan carik cerita. Nothing much happening around the blog world or maybe nothing interest me. At last, i read my own blog. Sept 2004 entry. sayang..komantar yg ada dah hilang kalau tak mesti cun baca those comments.
Kroll, i saw it! 21 sept 04.. lirik lagu berhenti berharap. heh..that's how u find me. cool eh? and adren change his blog addy in sept 04. aik, not even a year dah kene pindah lagi eh Ad...
utk ribuan kali i lunch-in again. today, i ate mee hoon goreng.. heh, i was squeezing the lime suddenly Oh pocot! the lime fly to my blouse... mrs. clumsy in the house lah nampaknye .. anyway, ive been sitting a lot lately and u sure know what sitting can do to ur butt. Mine in the process... tak rellaaa mak!
ah, yesterday adik said that her fren saw my pic and he said who is she.. look soo old. hmmm, my heart is saying go ahead and hate that boy. he deserve it and he doesn't look 23 either!!! so tadi while in the toilet i look at my self..hmm at 30 i do look old. not old as a nenek kindda thinggy but mature. am no longer the late teen lun. not a twenty something lun. am .. a .... loooneyy tooon ahak ahak ahak.....
feeling like writing again 2.50pm:
connie (nama sebenar teman sekantor) pulang dari check-up that she dread so much cos she needs to find out if she really having barah payudara atau pun tidak. kata connie, she's been praying to lord to give her sign if the lord is really there with her. Connie strongly belief in her lord and guess what, all the cease, lumps on both her breast gone. just like that.
lun ucapkan Alhamdulilah syukran jamilan illa Allah. Kerana segalanya berlaku atas rahmatMu ya Allah...