this morning late to work.. bila dah sampai rumah ibuk .. lun carrying adib and adib's bag berlari di tangga tau tau jer lun ter"STOP". know what happen? i tersandung anak tangga and adib resting on the staircase while my two knee knocked kat bucu tangga uwwwaaahhhh ... i look behind saw lovey in the car, he didn't see me. i called up ibuk for help!! my adek came and said "asal ngada2 panggil ibuk nie?" before she saw what happened. Adik plak was carrying her bag, file, sweater and sarapan for me & lovey.. mahu tak mahu kenelah collect all my strength and carry adib yg still in shocked to ibuk's house. Jgn worry smua, adib still ok.. tak terhantuk pun cos am still holding him tight!! bila sampai opis.. both lutut saaaakiiiitttt....
At last i found time to snap few pictures of my kitchen and toilets. Ita a simple one so dun put high hopes on it k, its the time for "zen look" lah ... notice the simplicity? No matter what, new one will always look better kan? They say its nice to hv the same theme for kitchen and kitchen toilet .. so follow lor... my pink toilet ... pink suppose to be romantic mah... so can lomen-lomen lor...