i love to read advertisement on the road. Good adverstisement deserved to be read ova and ova again. yet am totally disturbed by the latest male model appear in levi's - Hang Out: square cut jeans. Did u guys noticed him..muka dia cam manusia menyerupai setan. am not trying to hina ciptaan Allah..but am talking abt the look and image that they creating on the model urrgghhh terrible can't stand it!!
smlm ibuk dapat periuk kaca 5ltr corningware nyer..buk, suka nampak hehehehe
tak sangka by blogging i dapat banyak brothers & sisters. A pure friendship based on uhwah. Am so blessed.
Adren, love to see u here... cam ler hang tak tau hehe
Awan, i always know u to be the sensible one. Keep up the good effort. Your realisation towards Allah makes me realise how much i dah slack padaNya ..Insyallah, lets work together menuju yg Satu
the rest .. as always, lun sayang korang smua..
Our brader Danny Hussainy got his exam results!! As expected, Our Kepten Danny got a B+ and an A. Alhamdulilah... D, dah sujud syukur ke blum?? hehehe TAHNIAH dANNY.. am proud of u!!! how u feel lepas dapat result? i wanted to asked u during the weekend but slip my mind plak.. thanks for sharing the great news!! Jgn lupa spend some moment with your father bila balik nanti ok
another Brader kat Jepun, Dzue is celebrating his b'day today.. Happy Birthday Dzue semoga apa yg dilakukan direstui olehNya