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cakap cakap sajer..

bual kosong:
its friday afterall said tatot.. yeah hor nak marah-marah pun tak dtgkan faedah.. menambah kedut di muka tu adelah. jom kita santai2 sambil menghirup udara nyaman hujung minggu. . . . some of us need a break, here's a kitkat hehe

last nite after jotting down my frustration i went straight to bed. Terasa semacam punyer geram (yg tak bertempat) dgn lovey. Pagi ni, terlambat bangun lagik so macam lipas kudung kita bersiap sebab need to be out of the house by 6 but we only left the house 15 mins after 6. Cian aku tengok lovey tapi apasal aku sampai hati sengaja tak mau bangun dulu .. sebab: aku geram. (ni lah emosi wanita yg aku tak berkenan tapi aku susah nak lari sebab aku pun wanita jugak kah?? kah kah kah) oh yeah to those Desperate Housewives fanatics..u guys gonna see more idiotic stupid unnecessary (but make sense to women) kindda thinggy in the series *shesh!!!*

tadi lun dengar suara izad exist terasa besh jugak.. tak lah mendayu cam abg Kuah but still ada style. I managed to catch Izat and Radhi nyanyi lagu Jasnita. Radhi suck big time with that song. Just not ur cup of tea lah dude. (do i sound like anti radhi?? i dun actually but keterlanjuran kata dia dulu buat aku gantung minat aku pada dia .. no hard feelings dude i love OAG and their works dari zaman dulu lagik)

hari ni terasa macam berbual sorang pun ade.. ah, lunch i nak gie makan masalah tosei +tea. lama tak makan indian food. After work nak gie beli Rojak Mama kat haig rd... craving for it. Ah!! nope, not yet am no prego mego yet lah dude!! wohooooo.. dari smlm nak gie beli rojak but cos of my headache, i kene gantung niat and went straight home. I had to take 2 tablet of panadol and zzzzz... initially memang nak avoid panadol and wanna drink 100 plus ajer but i tak jumpa kedai uwwwaaaahhh.

to Enigma:
selamat menjalani operasi plastic Oh pocot!!! operasi tonsil ya. Semoga segalanya selamat & speedy recovery!!
Al-Fatihah untuk arwah Kak Eda (gd fren enigma and sista tu us all) yg telah pulang kerahmatullah abt maybe 6 yrs ago?? tomorrow 16/8 her b'day.

to All:
selamat berhujung minggu .. buat perkara baik yang mengHappikan diri ok (hehehe)


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