sunrise - sesegar senyuman walkthrulife
a fren of mine merungut abt Punjangga Malam (PM). lun ketawa ajer.. than she said, i know u like him. "Like" him?? i like Siti Nisdawati Nordin aka WatiMary aka Nyah jugak, not ok meh?? Anyway si PM ni regular caller kat radio ria macam watimary jugak. But PM SMSes selalu buat orang marah cos dia suka sangkal apa yg orang cakap.. i have no problem with his opinion everyone is entitle to it. DJ Shah pun don't mind jugak. Infact, i think Shah pun share the same opinion hehehe. I wonder apalah zodiac si PM ni .. suka nah buat onak hehehe hopefully he's not a virgo hihihihi....
last tuesday i put a toll free helpline in my blog and kak Enigma email me to vent out her frustration - I was glad. Long time dinch hear from her.. some people looking for job and those yg ada kerja pulak kene kerja *mampush mampush* what's happening ni?? anyway, later that day she called me hehehe... suara very the vokal si akak ni tau. Katanya raya tahun ni nak dtg s'pore.. yelah tuu wa harap kita jumpa yek. Masa kak enig called i was kindda blur-kong sebab baru bangun tidur.. she said she just spoken to i_mshe hahaha a reunion phone call ke? But am glad, thanks for calling!!
my colleague aka gd fren Shanti is on mc again. She got urine infection few days back and i suspect the infection blum clear lagik.. ish ish ish cian dia..
i just find out my bro's fav colour is RED. Pheewiitttt... nak score point jer hehehe..