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Showing posts from September, 2005
Its friday again. few more days to ramadhan and am sure u all dah rasa terik panas ramadhan already kan? Semoga kita lebih berjaya tahun ini dari tahun yg sudah ya. this morning, a was very very very the LATE to work. tak rasa today can cabut @ 5, cam tak justify kan sebab i was 40 mins late. Everytime i think abt last nite anugerah, my mind stuck. But i sempat gak buat few comments kat duan's blog.. sajer jer. Nothing worth reading and nothing important pun. So life back to its monotenous tune ke?? maybe esok, we all nak gie kubur. Visit my brother's home (maybe bersih kubur etc) before he comes and visit us in ramadhan... adek, sorry ok? danny, hv a nice weekend. Juggling work and study well? awan, how u doing so far.. better? cekya, siapa kah dia ittuee? tatot, miss u gurl apa jadi with ur blog? wtl, emosionally better these day? kroll, last nite lun masuk yahoo u pulak go offline. apsal? duan, lepas anugerah apa lagik topik menarik eh? enig...
tonite is the grand finale for anugerah . Nothing big like AF or MI. Just a yearly singging competion. Its fun watching these youngsters trying very hard just to be a star in SG. How big can they be?? never mind its not important anyway... last two nites, masa nak beli makan kat HaigRoad ternampak pulak si bombon and husband. Wah, inai masih di jari nampak?? good lah.. and as usual she will introduce lovey to her husband and aku nih yg so call sedara dia lupa lagik. I keep on teasing lovey infort of mak & bapak abt meeting his old gf. He was smiling ajer... adelah tah kat otak dia hihihi.. before she left she stop by between lovey and mak and as usual talked to lovey lah.. funny, she said "now i can go out for a date". Lovey as usual lah "oh bagus bagus.." and guess what did i say... "ah pergi lah dating kita pun tak mau ganggu". Ops.. (tutup mulut). hari nih, lun tak leh masuk blogdrive. asal eh?


happy i went to collect my belated b'day present in SwissOtel. hehehe apsal spesel sangat dapat present kat Otel? bukannye lun ada share kat sana..setakat pergi setahun sekali for D&D tu ada lah. Well, a blogger fren of mine ada kirim present for me. This blogger fren is someone special and caring. When i first saw her.. her smile warm my heart. I know we can click right away. First impression is important and that's what i feel when i set my eyes on her. Thank you fren for the wonderful gift. As i said yesterday the wrapper, the card and the gift are all be-u-ti-ful . Sorry i missed your fren.. the conference is for a week so i thot they will stay till the end. I bought something for you, but i missed your frens. Do come to S'pore .. the gift is waiting. Thank you Walkthrutlife aka WTL .
mommy's lil boy I took a bus ride home yesterday. The bus was kindda pack .. i chinese lady offered me a seat beside her.. i was greatful. She was old maybe in her 50s but speaks very good and clear english, i was amazed. She was very chatty ... (err.. not the typical everyday nyonya at all) I was happy. When it was near to her stop, she signal something to someone sitting near the bus drive.. I followed her eyes and asked her "Is that your husband?" hmmm.. no wonder, she married to Ang Moh lah.. came back to Sg to visit her mom. No wonder the diff in attitude... my curiousity was answered . I saw a tiny bronze hand bag yesterday and i kept on thinking abt it. keep on dreaming abt it. friday can go and buy (maybe) last saturday, i saw an ambulance and 2 police car at the carpark of ibuk's house. guess what?? a man jumped from 10th floor. ... died! mon & tues, am a j-dorama gurl. takuya is playing a diff role this time around in Pride, he's not the typical ...

me being lun

frustration . I had that. I had it since friday nite .. or many days ago, i don't know. I thot i was ova but i think it changed me. I didn't talk much these days. I let my head do the talking instead. Last friday, lovey's mom called cos they (mak & bapak) coming to get some stuff from my house.. but when she said she did some clearing at home and found those small2 items (mainly the "berkat" from wedding eg: bakul, pasu & mangkuk kaca) which she don't want but "sayang" to let go .. so she asked me if she can pass it to me. At that point, the mercury had gone up to its boiling point. BUT a soft voice from my head told me to hormat orang tua.. terima ajer . So i said "ok boleh mak" but at the back of my mind my heart was saying "ur so fuckup lun". Than she said, she wanted to give lovey the "caremboard". urrgghhh i was full of fury so i called lovey to talked to his mom instead while i let out the steam in my hea...

Quizzes time!!

My morning was filled with all these quizzes, thanks to i_mshe.. lun terpanggil to do it too. Happy friday people!! Your Japanese Name Is... Shika Yamamoto What's your Japanese Name? Your Blogging Type Is Thoughtful and Considerate You're a well liked, though underrated, blogger. You have a heart of gold, and are likely to blog for a cause. You're a peaceful blogger - no drama for you! A good listener and friend, you tend to leave thoughtful comments for others. What's Your Blogging Personality? Your Blog Should Be Purple You're an expressive, offbeat blogger who tends to write about anything and everything. You tend to set blogging trends, and you're the most likely to write your own meme or survey. You are a bit distant though. Your blog is all about you - not what anyone else has to say. What Color Should Your Blog or Journal Be? You Are 50% Boyish and 50% Girlish You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch. Okay, kidding about the eunuch par...

Garden State

I just finish watching Garden State Its A very good movie with nice sound tracks. Hilarious and Heartfelt. I laugh, cried and love the movie. Its not the kindda fancy movie but its enuf to make my day. Guys watch it especially Danny . I recommend u to go and get the vcd. Watch it ova the weekend in that cozy house of urs.. why am i so demanding suddenly ... hmmm watch it and you'll find out. The rest .. gie lah tengok Natalie Portman dah besar. She' not the Princess Amadala at all ...
What Classic Movie Are You? personality tests by haha not bad, l love the movie "PLATOON". once a while i would go to this uknown looking sg guy. Just to check out what si Odie is up to these days.. and walla! his sept 4 entry was what i need today. Im in not so nice mood, am a soldier with lots crappy-stuff-in my head . I shld say thanks to Duan for remembering me. He knew for sure im going to look for his anugerah review. That's ok bro tak ya apologise, yup i read Eddie's edition but Eddie is such a nice person and my comments sounded too cruel ova in his blog (matilah aku kalau eddie ada baca entry kali nih..) Funny thing, for days i waited for some update from cekya but this morning, i saw 2. Hmm.. looks like i need to refresh every site i go. ( eh ... kuasa ke mak?) btw, every wed nite Ch.5 is showing not so new movie. Last few weeks was BodyGuard (which i missed) and last nite was Indecent Proposal . Its kindda kalau tak leh tidur gie la...
this morning feels like ol' time cos adek and me took the same bus again this time she's going to work! Yup, its a temp Job for now.. hopefully it'll be a good start for her.. she got a job in NUS hahaha back to skool and bf lah tuu. Hmm did anyone catch the musabaqah last week @ tv1? I dinch get to watch the whole week event but i managed to watch Indra Gunawan (IND) and Subhanallah.. he was the potential winner. Im so glad that he was the Johan. Marha Marha!! I still remember the year i was prego.. the Qari from M'sia was fantastic his name was Mohd Faizul Ghazali. He too got the title Johan Qari. From there lovey and me decide that dibdib name would be Mohd Faaizul Adib. Who knows.. last year on the same date as today, i got my very first "stranger" reading my blog. Its all because of the song!! thanks Kroll .
baru abis mandi.. terasa cam nak tidur pulak if only im at home.. today out of no where shanti ajak gie steambath so i figured ok lah why not since i brought bekal for lunch already tak ya buang masa carik makan. This morning i goreng the nasi briyani yg i dapat masa sunday wedding. Kita buat Nasi Goreng Pengantin ler... huhu my morning is never complete without listening to Syah Ibrahim @89.7fm. I think i started listening to RIA fm b'cos of Syah. Before this i would rather listen to Glen & Rod morning show. So this morning, there's was a caller sharing his experience while he was in Palestin abt 2 yrs ago. On one occasion he saw the Isreali soldier shot a kid with his own eyes. I guess the commotion started b'cos the Muslims wanted to perform their friday prayers in Masjidil Aqsa. So this kid was crossing the road with his father and shhhooot! My heart ache hearing his story.. painful. i was looking forward for Duan's review on last nite Anugerah 2005 bu...
run and free urself HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY KROLL - Lunacy ___________________________________ Setahun berlalu lagik. Semalam buku catatan harian kita dihantar kepada yg Maha Berkuasa. Baik ke? buruk ke? seram jugak kan. Segalanya akan di hitung satu persatu.. Semoga kita termasuk di kalangan mereka yg berat di kanan. Selamat BerNisfu Sya'ban . ___________________________________ Friday, i got 3 voice msg in my hp. Number sungguh tak familiar so i tak bother. While having dinner that nite, i got a called. lun: hello dia: hello sape nih? (aik, suara bukan suara danny OBVIOUSLY. dan bukan suara sesapa yg lun kenal) lun: awak call saye kan? awak sape? dia: hello sape ni?! lun: hah? awak sape? dia: ok lah, saye bilang awak. Saye Murad (sape sey??). Bley saye cakap dgn abg saye Mohd... err Mohd Azman. lun: ah? saye tak kenal orang tuh. dia: ok sorry At last line putus... next morning, selepas solat isyak, check voice msg rupanya pemanggil smlm yg tinggal kan. Haiyok, bini si murad nih k...

aku diam

looking at me? dari semalam aku terkedu. diam seribu bicara di dalam hati. pastinya ada beberapa isu yg tak terhurai yg aku rasa lebih baik aku diam. Jika aku bersuara mungkin saje aku akan jadi marah-marah. Aduh, sakit kepala aku. Pada dasarnya aku jenis orang yg suka berbual mesra dgn orang2 yg aku rasa selesa. Dan bila aku diam aku biarkan otak dan hati ku berbicara sehingga adoi! sakitttnya kepala. bila aku tanya kembali diri ini, kenapa aku mesti marah? kenapa dia mesti marah? dan kenapa ada yg sengaja nak buat aku marah? boleh ke aku ajukan soalan2 remeh nih pada meka2 yg tertentu.. aku salah cakap, aku kene marah. Dia salah cakap (provok aku), aku jadi marah marah. Dia mendiamkan diri and aku juga sama .. suasana jadi sepi. Aku benci ini.. tapi kenapa aku masih nak diam? kenapa aku tak lupakan ajer kisah semalaaaam? aku terdiam lagik. p.s: selamat berhujung minggu..
it sure was fun i dreamt of .. this morning had to wake up 5 cos lovey is doing morning shift. I was in deep sleep when the alarm rang. My hp alarm sounded like a very nice music but in reality ; enuf to put us to deaf. In the end we got up at 5.30 .. urrgghh tired and sleepy!! i went to the toilet looked at lovey small eyes, we smile at each other. Lovey told me he had a dream, oh yes i had a dream too. Hmm no wonder kita dua tak leh bangun. Lovey said he had a weird dream .. hmmm me too!!. He dreamt of working in a female prison in M'sia (hmm tak sempat nak tanya detail errr female???..never mind tonite bley tanya.) and i told him i had a weird dream too. I dreamt of going to KL and stayed with 2 bloggers (Adren and Mirch) cos Danny was bizi. Hmmm... long time dinch visit Mirch aka Cinta (i think, kalau nak carik link go to awan's blog huhu) and Mirch don't even know lunacy!! how can he be in my dream and Adren, adik ku yg makin jauh... what is he up to these days .....
pretty alone i was "listening" (instead of watching cos i can't add that codec thinggy to my pc) to One Tree Hill last 2 episodes. And I want to share the words below with my frens.. There Are 2 Tregedies In Life One Is Not To Get Your Heart's Desire The Other Is To Get It. - by George Bernard Shaw tragedies happened but what u gonna do? when ur heart gets break; u got to figh like hell. Cos u must make sure u still alive, cos u are .. and the pain that u feels, that's LIFE while the confusion and pain is someting that tells u if worth fighting for. ____________________________ yesterday episode of Pride: after the ice hokey game, Aki (girl) found Halu (guy) sitting alone in the playfield. Aki sat somewhere near Halu and had some conversation. Aki then aske Halu if he can read the defender's mind and he said "yes, he can". So Aki asked Halu to read her mind instead. Aki turn to face Halu to let him read her mind. Halu looked deep in her eyes.. and...
smlm hujan lebat kilat sabung menyabung.. scary. Tapi sempat ke Arnold (restaurant ayam kegemaran suka ramai). Sampai jer rumah baju,seluar & kasut semua basah. Hiyok, sejuk sekaliiii.. ova at Ch.U ada J-dorama "Pride" featuring the king of dorama Takuya Kimura. Watching him in the drama bring back ol memory.. i feel young again. Maybe 10 yrs younger huhu... i wonder what happen to the Crew and its Captain. Don't let the ship sink pls.. .. menjelma lah dan tunjuk kan diri *matilah aku kalau dukun esa dengar ..
too many things where do i start?? abt fellow blogger frens, abt my weekend, abt tatot confusion, abt duan's rewang curiousity. Haiyok!! i came to work dgn penuh semangat to finish up my 1st online form. Im almost there.. just need a bit of javascript and formula jer.. jgn ada mantle block dah lah after lunch huhu... Totot , kau ni sungguh cute lah. sori lah bagi confuse kat hang. Thanks to Enigma yg dtg menyinggah dan membuat pembetulan. "Tulang" is the singkatan for SupTulang masakan mamak yg merah lagi menyala tapi tak pedas. Sungguh tinggi dgn colestrol. Style makan ialah dgn french loaf celup kat kuah sop sambil menyedut sum-sum kat dlm tulang.. haiyok yg nih aku tak leh tahan rasa sampai ke otak ish!! Pasal si Farah tuu, dia actually kahwin dgn cousin lovey nyer suami nyer adik. hahaha actually, aku pun mabuk bila type benda nih tapi takpelah tak important pun ... Duan , ur fren is getting married eh? Normally pengantin pompan yg bizi kalau lelaki normally simp...
its been a while kan? and life had been a roller coaster ride since last friday . Apa tidaknya, last friday we all ke rumah lovey's auntie cos her son is getting married on saturday. So the so call "sibuk-sibuk" session berjalan hingga ke malam.. the pengantin nikah on his b'day; sound very the good day eh for an important event (eh, zali's share the same b'day es Captain ye). Actually tak buat apa pun .. menyibukkan diri sambil menjadi Jin makan "tulang sajer". (Hairan kenapa "tulang" menjadi tren suka ramai sewaktu sessi "rewang" orang kahwin, bukannya semua orang suka makan tulang kan?) Anyway, saturday .. aku steam looking pretty wearing my b'day baju, kasut dan accesories. Wah sungguh brown/bronze and the dress made me look slim river!! A very good dress indeed : ) Btw, I met Farah and ol' skool junior. U ols yg gie sama skoll wif me ingat tak Farah?? eh she remember my name ar and she's married to lovey's c...
I've been listening to this song for quite awhile, its the kindda song macam sedap tak sedap. The chorus part is excellent tho'. But after reading thru the whole liriks i think im gonna like the song after all. Gie lah download and checkout the song. Kalau suka bley beli hihi. I like the song cos its abt being truthful. "Jujur" is not an easy job. Even when ur married there are times when kejujuran mendatangkan balak besar. But to lie is sinful cos a lie will follow by another lie. I did it and uuhhgghh!! the best is being Jujur. No one can be angry at you for being truthful. Oh, sure the truth hurts but if u did it for the best of everything in this world and thereafter then uphold to it. Sooner of later the other party will understand it too. Insyallah ~ lunacy will try to be truthful to lovey ~ to those in a relationship or going into it.. take ur time, wait for the right truthful. Whatever the outcome have faith that it is Qada' & Qadar dari A...


am sleepy tapi tak leh nak tidur mungkin nak kene blog lagik tak? kita buat cerita yg tak kronologi lah ye. i woke at 5 today sebab nak sahur and i menyaksikan sesuatu yg anih hingga kini tak tau bagaimana ia berlaku. So what happened was, i had this empty buluh vase that adek beli kat chiangmei. I haven't found a nice flower yet to put on the vase. so tempararily, lovey letak this kindda flower + ribbon (took from from our wedding decoration) and put it on the vase. You know just put it on top to cover the lobang. So this morning masa i bukak pintu fridge sebab nak simpan butter, the flower flew away from the vase and landed on the table (imagine daun terbang bila ditiup angin). Power sangat ke fridge kat umah tuu sampai buka jer bunga bley terbang. I don't know what happened. I woke lovey, sebab cam nak terasa seram pun ada.. while lovey and me tengah berpinga2 pikir abt what happened dibdib plak nangis in his sleep. hmmm ... mungkin ada cicak or roaches tak? *another mystery...

i dreamt of Awan

like the title above that was what happened to me this morning, after reaching ibuk house i've decided to take a short nap and woke up at 7. That was where i suddenly saw a girl wearing skoll uniforms (baju kurung and tudung) waiting for bus. I know that's "Awan" so i decided to approached "him" (hahaha something that i wish i can do in real life). It was fun hanging out with Awan. We sat by the errrr do noe what place was that but sempat look out for mamat cute and awan was telling me what type of guy he would prefer for himself (kalau tak silap yg bibir tebal katanya, hehehe). i remembered one guy smiled at awan and asked him "are u a girl?" and his answer was "no". (bukan korang jer pelik, aku sendiri pun pelik dgn mimpi ini apatah lagi Awan). So Awan and me sat side by side kaki hanging macam ala ala Sepet and Awan put his hand around my shoulder (tak de yg intimatenyer cuma rasa macam ol' fren) and it felt so heavy. Heavy sam...

Its ur b'day

happy 29th birthday DannyHussainy Semoga apa yg dihajati tercapai, stay loving and cheerful - kak lun & famili ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing -George Bernard Shaw Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm... As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands. One for helping yourself, the other for helping others. -Audrey Hepburn Sow a thought, and you reap an act;/ Sow an act, and you reap a habit;/ Sow a habit, and you reap a character;/ Sow a character, and you reap a destiny. -Charles Reader
Its the mid-autumn fastival again, the season for mooncake!! So sad, its not easy to get halal mooncake in s'pore and its expensive too. I bought lotus paste with salted egg yolk mooncakes.. taste yummy. hv a great weekend all. p/s: i shall never look at the toilet bowl the same way again ...
Aku kah ini??? yg lahir pada 27 aug ha???!! Your Birthdate: August 27 Your birth on the 27th day of the month (9 energy) adds a tone of selflessness and humanitarianism to your life path. Certainly, you are one who can work very well with people, but at the same time you need a good bit of time to be by yourself to rest and meditate. There is a very humanistic and philanthropic approach in most of things that you do. This birthday helps you be broadminded, tolerant, generous and very cooperative. You are the type of person who uses persuasion rather than force to achieve your ends. You tend to be very sensitive to others' needs and feelings, and you able to give much in the way of friendship without expecting a lot in return. What Does Your Birth Date Mean?