psssttt...ngantuk tak terhingga. Selamat BerPosa ye sMua!!
Malam 2: Diampunkan dosa-dosa orang mukmin yang sembahyang tarawih serta kedua ibubapanya (sekiranya mereka orang beriman).
its the first day of ramadhan wat the errrr...
adek passed me 2 episode of The Gilmore Girls season 6 (jgn jelos hor!). I asked adek this morning how she finds the episode and she said SAD.
Its the ramadhan .. ive been putting all this good stuff in my blog .. a reminder to all and to me (especially). But even the 1st terawih was a challenged. In the end, we did it at 4.30am. Imagine last nite dibdib behaving unacceptably (got such word?) and i had to sleep kindda late.. mind and body tired. Wake up early to gain what God has stored for us .. and sahur and by the time i drank the milk my stomach gimme me a funny feeling. God! i love milk... what do i do? must i stop drinking milk??? i drank my second glass.. and later u know what happen lah..
so i was still sleepy in the office. took a nap somewhere near to 12. i don't care if pple start complaining cos i just need to close my eyes!!. by the time i was awake it was 12.30. the whole dept was kindda quiet. So i was up!! and started watching The Gilmore Girls ... oh yeah, adek, yes... it was sad. I cried cos i can't stand to see Loralai hiding her sadness that way..
i watched both episodes... even this morning, while in the car i thot of starting a conversation with lovey but ended up gossipping abt neighbours grandson (maybe) need to get married very soon cos his gf is pregnant (dono whether the news can be trusted or not cos it was his little cousin that told ibuk abt it).. lovey told me watch out what i said.. don't talk abt pple. We are all fasting. *way to go luna!!* and now while im typing this blog i realised that i blew away the moment to get close to God. I should be reading Quran instead and do my zohor and its solat sunnat.... what the .. errr
fasting month..
happy fasting all -
from "the little being" struggling to do good but ..
p/s: im typing this based on what i feel right now. this is my emotion and this is how it flows...
Malam 2: Diampunkan dosa-dosa orang mukmin yang sembahyang tarawih serta kedua ibubapanya (sekiranya mereka orang beriman).
its the first day of ramadhan wat the errrr...
adek passed me 2 episode of The Gilmore Girls season 6 (jgn jelos hor!). I asked adek this morning how she finds the episode and she said SAD.
Its the ramadhan .. ive been putting all this good stuff in my blog .. a reminder to all and to me (especially). But even the 1st terawih was a challenged. In the end, we did it at 4.30am. Imagine last nite dibdib behaving unacceptably (got such word?) and i had to sleep kindda late.. mind and body tired. Wake up early to gain what God has stored for us .. and sahur and by the time i drank the milk my stomach gimme me a funny feeling. God! i love milk... what do i do? must i stop drinking milk??? i drank my second glass.. and later u know what happen lah..
so i was still sleepy in the office. took a nap somewhere near to 12. i don't care if pple start complaining cos i just need to close my eyes!!. by the time i was awake it was 12.30. the whole dept was kindda quiet. So i was up!! and started watching The Gilmore Girls ... oh yeah, adek, yes... it was sad. I cried cos i can't stand to see Loralai hiding her sadness that way..
i watched both episodes... even this morning, while in the car i thot of starting a conversation with lovey but ended up gossipping abt neighbours grandson (maybe) need to get married very soon cos his gf is pregnant (dono whether the news can be trusted or not cos it was his little cousin that told ibuk abt it).. lovey told me watch out what i said.. don't talk abt pple. We are all fasting. *way to go luna!!* and now while im typing this blog i realised that i blew away the moment to get close to God. I should be reading Quran instead and do my zohor and its solat sunnat.... what the .. errr
fasting month..
happy fasting all -
from "the little being" struggling to do good but ..
p/s: im typing this based on what i feel right now. this is my emotion and this is how it flows...