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hari nih 2x lun terhidu bau ketiak yg sama. you know the smell of hapak and cam tak mandi... aiyok!!
1st incident happend this morning in the bus. A sleeveless young guy normally smell of cigerattes or overloaded cologne but this guy diff plak. Dia punay bau ketiak melantun2 ke hidung. Aiyooo.. rasa cam nak suggest he buy bedak ketiak (hanya $2.50 sajer). Boleh beli di kedai pak aji yg berdekatan... *ish*
2nd incident ova lunch hr, a group of indian expat walking and ewwwww... bau samer cam tadi pagi!! Apelah nasib hari nih.. malang bila terbau... thank God lovey tak plak berpeluh cam gini or izit the case "love is blind".. bau ketiak pun harum subur dihati hahahah... but thedreamer pernah verify, he dinch smell of ketiak (ops!)

last 2 weeks tak silap, lun pergi ke blog mirch. Lama tak singgah sana .. dia ada post satu gambar.. lun tenung dan tenung gambar ittew. Berkata dlm hati .. hmm mungkin ada cerita ala ala PGL lagik tak? cos ada gambar pompan tengah post pakai baju putih, rambut panjang .. err muka dia pucat, mungkin sajer dia cedera akibat sword fighting .. taaaapiii bila lun baca entry nya ... errr ada disebut tentang filem suhaimi baba ... sequel/prequel (dono lah) errrr was i looking at the che' ponz face??? begitu jugak lun terkeras depan screen pc. Dgn berat lun kumpulkan semangat untuk tutup sajer laman blog itu. Ya Allah jantung aku bergetar ketakutan .. lepas tu lun ke toilet, tapi toilet sunyi .. wajah wanita tadi bermain di screen minda.. lun batalkan niat .. terus cabut keluar!!!


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