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Showing posts from April, 2006


Recently, imshe met with an old classmate of us and coincidently, while i was on my way to Mark& Spencer last thursday, i met her too. Eh apa cerita nih nak tulis?? hmmm ... sekali pandang aku tahu itu Rahilah.. dia pun terperanjat happy bila nampak aku. Bila aku dekat dgn dia, aku teringat kata2 imshe yg masih ragu-ragu tentang kawan lama kita tuu. Dah lebih 10 tahun aku tak jumpa Rahilah, dia dah beranak 2 pun . Yang besar lebih kurang dlm 10 or 11 tahun ... cepatnye putaran masa. Setelah kita bersurai .. aku jadi insaf dan bersyukur pada Allah atas apa yg Dia telah kurniakan pada aku. bukan apa, aku dengar berapa tahun dulu Rahilah jatuh sakit, tapi aku tak pasti sakit apa... ziarah pun aku tak pergi. Pastinya cobaan sakit yg diuji Allah itu besar sekali sehinggakan ada sesuatu yg lain bila aku amati dirinya. Tapi aku tetap syukur kerana dia nampak happy dan tenang .. cerita macam dulu cuma physically ada sikit lain. Mungkin MamaEmmy lebih tahu kisah ini.. tapi mungkin juga di...

radio romance

since morning, ive tried hard to curb these tears ... our fav DJ - Syah Ibrahim (syed Ahmad bin Syed Ibrahim) is making his exit today to persue a new and greener path i suppose. Fans have been smsing and calling him since last week .. tadi pagi surely ramai yang sedih ditambah pulak dgn hujan pagi seakan memahami sangat perasaan sekelumpuk manusia yg selalu mencari bahagia dengar mendengar ruang Ria Jamm. Pelik kan macam mana seorang DJ bley beri peransang, motivasi, persepsi yg berbeza utk kebaikan semua. Gurauan, teguran, sindiran semuanya beralas. Bila berbicara tentang agama pun dia ok sajer, tentang keadaan di luar negeri pun dia tahu jugak, seronok sangat. Pagi nih ramai yg call suara sedih2. Ada yg tak bley cakap banyak sangat takut nangis. Panggilan dari seorang makcik sungguh menyentuh lebih lagik even makcik2 pun turut sedih. Ada kala tu dia senyap sajer.. mungkin tak tahan sebak di dada. Orang2 kat JB pun ramai yg sedih ... yg kat singapore pulak ramai yg cuti sakit s...

aper jer..

the problem is bukan i tak mau menulis, cuma tak de idea nak menulis. Sound bad kan? at this moment what i wanna do .. - beli kasut - beli bag - beli baju - beli biskut kat Mark & Spencer i just email to jun awhile ago.. she's excited over my pregnancy and dia rindukan masakan ibu!! Alahai ..cian lah betul, Last week kat blog Imshe dia ada sebut pasal nasi ambeng. Well, last saturday, i went to JooChiat to buy nasi ambeng and slurp slurp .. best sesangat!!! Have u guys tried the moroccan pizza? wosh! i love it except for the olive .. Smlm i watch Yasmin Ahmad on TV i think i lagik puas watching the interview with Yasmin dari the interview with Mr so and so ... hahahha aku emosi lagi ke? atau mungkin aku kurang tidur sebab last nite dibdib not feeling well?

if u love me enuf, i would still be here - Grey's Anatomy

Long weekend was good cos i hate going to work these days. There are so many things that i detest few political issues thats going on around my daily life. The high and mighty talks, is that neccessary sir? I read abt the little nepolean issue mentioned by Pak Lah, i love the man for his decision on issues of the bridge. Looks like cekmi, cekya, tatot, wtl, awan and sape jer lah can still come here to visit me sambil melalui the great bridge of causeway hahahaha .... entah lah semua tu di luar jangkauan aku pun yg lebih suka terperuk di bilik tidur hmmm.. last sunday bila badan rasa macam nak reput suddenly i terdengar suara kak emmy mengingatkan aku supaya mengaji. Subhannallah... nikmatnya yang amat!!! bila saje aku abis baca surah Maryam. Im sure my arabic dah teruk cos i need to refer to Tafsir to ingat kembali cerita disebalik surah Maryam itu. Masyallah, aku nih macam baru discovered cantiknya ayat2 yg ditulis disitu... ku baca dan ku doa utk anak dalam kandungan ku ini. So basic...

terima, kasih ..

kadang-kadang terlalu banyak berkata menunjukkan kelemahan diri sendiri. Itulah yg aku takut sekali, takut ditemplak ditemplek dari berbagai korner. Tapi hakikatnya akhir2 ini, aku dah tak mampu nak jadi sesiapa lagik. Bergerak cergas, window shopping semua dah jauh dari mimpi. Nak ke cold Storage atau Shing Sheong utk beli prego sos sebab teringin nak makan spagetti pun tak larat. Mujur jugak lah aku terus berblog. Mujur jugak ada kata2 perangsang dari kengkawan yang sedikit demi sedikit memulihkan (menyedarkan) kesewelan yg melanda buat beberapa ketika. Dan hari ini, seakan MAGIC aku rasa bertambah segar. Dari pagi aku tak perlu lari ke toilet .. mungkin berkat doa mereka2 yang jauh dan dekat. Alhamdulilah di blog ini aku mengadu rasa, berkongsi sedih dan terima doa. Terima kasih utk segalanya.. esok good friday, hari cuti. best best best ...
You're 8 Weeks Pregnant- How your baby's growing: Your baby is now 5/8 of an inch long, about the size of a kidney bean. She's constantly moving and shifting, although you won't be able to feel these womb wiggles for several weeks yet. Her embryonic tail is disappearing, and her eyelids practically cover her eyes. Still slightly webbed, her fingers and toes are growing longer. Her arms have lengthened, too, and her hands are now flexed at the wrist and meet over her heart. Her knee joints have formed, and her feet may be long enough to meet in front of her body. With her trunk straightening out, her head is more erect. Breathing tubes extend from her throat to the branches of her developing lungs. The nerve cells in her brain are also branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways. Though you may be daydreaming about your baby as one gender or another, the external genitals still haven't developed enough to reveal whether you're hav...

state of emotional turbulence

i kept on blogging even when i choose not to show it. The true side of my life these days are not pretty at all. For example the feeling of vomitting without nothing came out from my system hurts so much. The pain travelled from my throat to my stomach and it churned my whole tummy upside down. At times i feel so weak, lost all the energy in my body and followed by neausea. Morning sickness sound so cruel isn't it? i envy those pregnancy without morning sickness. my health does affect my brain and my mood. Tiny winy little things matters to me. Im bruise because of envy, because of jealousy. I wanna be left alone to heal. I told myself sure i can take it, cos am strong as always, just gimme time. But the true fact is, ive been deluding myself. Friendship build in the air which sum up to nothing - drives me crazy. My dissappearance won't hurt anyone except mine. reading the review of the recent award ceremony from a very well known figure put me off. Shame on you for writing s...