i just came back from lunch with i_mshe& Ligo. three married ladies with kids who blog met and obviously topic yg dibualkan berlarutan dari satu chapter ke chapter yg lain. It was so much fun .. tapi yg sayangnye i couldn't continue with the shopping cos i tak de banyak leave yg tinggal so cukuplah having them walked with me to my office. happy shopping you two. Tapi kental jugak lah kita 3 orang nih .. sebab tak de orang pun yg nak ambik gambar. Anyway, it sure was fun to meet each other .. more new things to learn abt each other .. and Happy Belated B'day again Ligo!! to I-mshe, wa can see ur tummy already lah.. woo hoo!!
At last i found time to snap few pictures of my kitchen and toilets. Ita a simple one so dun put high hopes on it k, its the time for "zen look" lah ... notice the simplicity? No matter what, new one will always look better kan? They say its nice to hv the same theme for kitchen and kitchen toilet .. so follow lor... my pink toilet ... pink suppose to be romantic mah... so can lomen-lomen lor...