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Showing posts from February, 2007


i wonder if jimi kerja today ataupun tercegat kat depan kotak tv menyaksikan Oscar "live" sajer, mengubati demamnya hehe. Aku tak rasa dia buat kerja bodoh punnn... sebab suatu masa dulu, aku pun gitu. Tak pernah miss any of the award ceremony. Skarang jer aku tak de time utk benda2 gini, jadi aku suka tompang sekaki dgn obsesinya. selamat ada jimi , aku baca review dan lepas tu aku cari vcd sajer.. lovey masih blum 100% sihat. He lost 5kg in 5 days .. drastic tak tu? skarang ni dia rasa mabuk dan mual selalu. Last saturday, after dibdib's reading clinic lesson kita gie carik peacock feathers kat little india .. out of nowhere lovey turned pale, white!! cam tak de darah, aku risau. For the past nites lovey been talking in his sleep. Its all abt working. Last nite, i got notti and decided to record it instead. Hehehe .. so funny he said the office looked funny, looked like hospital and then he had a shocked to see me (i appeared in his dream). Actually dia berbual banya...

am here

i was on urgent leave yesterday tak sangka pulak ramai yg carik. Lovey sakit la.. high fever. Kita 3 branak jaga ayah kat umah .. make sure he took his medicine, cook porridge, made starfruit juice, sapukan vicks and obviously takde romen2 k mamaEmmy hahaha orang tu sakit lah.. kau pun sms tak agak2 but it sure buat lovey tersenyum. The day before i tinggalkan dia sorang kat umah he cuma bangun for solat and makan obat jer.. he dinch eat at all, obviously badan makin lemah lah. Smlm jugak ibuk bawa ayah ke klinik and after tested ayah's blood, doc said kandungan gula dlm darah amat tinggi. Memang ayah dari dulu lagik in a state of denial abt his sickness karang nih bila badan dah semakin lemah, dah smakin kurus, gudang garam masih tetap di bibir. Thank God, doctor tu kawan ayah. He said these few days dia asyik teringat kan ayah jer .. hmmm he said ayah is a stubborn man. Ibu kata bukan stubborn but very very stubborn "Ouch!". Kita smua tahu yang kondisi ayah teruk, he ca...

the things in life

punyalah susah nak blog bila kat rumah, even bila all the 3 boys dah tidur i thot i will hv some time for myself .. can u guess what happened? dibdib mengigau plak .. nangis-nangis nak ibu. Hmm dats it lah sempat mengintai2 blog kengkawan jer dari jauh. 3 days tak kluar rumah .. bz memanjang even filipino maid pun ada hari cuti hehehe. Boring tengok tv sana sini cerita cine .. hahahah hari raya cine aper! btw, pagi ni aku tergelak kuat bila baca aku di tag oleh Jimi , first one in the list plak tu. hmm macam dah terasa jugak .. so here u go the 5 things in life: 5 things i would do if i were a millionaire - help lovey to build MTB Holding aku jadi shareholders (can lead a tai-tai life) - membantu mereka yg "susah" & miskin (create jobs opportunity) - membuka kolej Islam - bukak factory kasut esp for men guarentee 100% halal tak de kulit #$% *tut tut* - travel around the world destinasi pertama tanah suci lepas tu aku nak saksikan pyramid diikuti pula Spanyol dgn kesan se...

me bz

as per plan .. ive been bz cleaning the house .. but still not clean lar, bukan apa banyak lagi yg nak kene kemas. Thanks to ibu for staying ova at least dapat jugak aku berkemas. now that ibu dah balik, am back to square 1 helpless .. i got distracted a lot by kimi. His smile Ya Allah so addictive!! memang aku dah agak pun bila dia penat sure dia senang get irritated. Abis aku pun kene gak.. hai, pastinya cinta sesuci orked dan jason pun ada pasang surut kan? mungkin aku ova excited nak bercerita tapi gagap pulak .. arrrghh takpelah aku masih senang hati. aku masih sapu minyak di kakinya tiap malam walaupun dia dah sampai ke pulan impian. Long holiday .. same ol'sotry. Have a nice day u ols ..


red: for the auspicious day *bukan aku percaya tapi saje join the crowd jer* yesterday i dah Lo-hei!!! yeahhhh dah di suruh lambung tinggi2 for posperity so buat jer lah.. free lunch for all the *** group. lambung tinggi-tinggi sampai pokok jambu hari raya cina korang buat apa tu? sejak balik dari maternity leave nih nampak ramai yg dah slack, friday pun pakai jeans .. so hari ni aku nak join sama lah jeans and pink tshirt. hehehe very chinese nue yer hor.. and since not many pple are working today shan and me are going serangoon road to Komalas!! slurp slurp to indian tea ok anei. balik nanti tak tau apa nak buat mungkin kerja kot, mungkin jugak tidak ops!! Planning for the next 4days: esok dibdib got class and got wedding hmm kemungkinan tak payah masak. sunday for sure kene masak lah and cuci baju, sapu rumah, eh heng ar... chinese nue yer mana bley buat tu suma kan?? rest and watch tv ar.. planning for the kids: - watercolour / painting time - study Iqra / english / counting - char...

wish wish wish

Happy Birthday Ani. Wish you happiness always. Happy Birthday jugak to Abang Nuar!! kui kui kui ... Imshe's commented abt the songs featured in my blog. Well what do you know, i am a mellow kitten. Its all coming back right after i gave birth. I was a heartless women towards my husband for the last 9 months *sabar nyer*. Anyway i bought a compilation CD ; "remember" ada 32 long songs in total. Im so cheap skate ar suka beli compilation so i get to enjoy only the best. today whole day sakit kepala. Followed ligo advice - drink isotonic drink. Yup it helped!! Ni semua gara2 teguk obat batuk hehehe overdose agaknya sampai liat nak bangun pagi tadi. I wonder how shanti's job interview was? good i hope. Long holiday coming .. apa plan korang?

case study

case 1: V for vitegen V for victory V for vivo city V for vroom vrrooom V ... case 2: me: meet today? she: u want to meet me on Valentine's Day? case 3: the phone alarm reminded me to find the "sexual intimacy"book someone needs it. case 4 : kak emmy, still love the song? case 5: *too personal to post it here* hahaha for sure ni case takde idea nak blog. hv a good day all.


on dear! i can't resist not changing my template to this one. The colour is so cool and calm, simple and yet green. Nothing too strong abt the whole template. i was browsing thru the template and saw the name "lonely" .. oh yeah, i love the name too. had briyani and teh tarik for lunch @ railway station. The stall owner rupanya rafi ali's father, (hint: rafi ali the national team football player once upon a time ago). Oh Ligo, u jangan "ngiler" ok, next wk kita tengok cam ne ok? Chinese new year is around the corner, must stock up some stuff kalau tak, nak masak apa eh for that 3 days am at home with my 2 little ones, while lovey on 12hr shift 3 days in a row. Adek is going KL, lucky her.. im so jealous. But the thing is she also dono what to do ova there .. aiyooo bley gitu?? Oh i miss KL so much.. i tengah carik chance nak pergi nih. hopefully, lovey agree to go rumah mak ngah cos my cuzen is getting married somewhere jul/aug. Tengoklah cam mana nasib eh..

enuf sulking

a lot being said yesterday. no more mind boggling. time to make peace. dun be scared to leave comments. i keep on remembering ligo asking me "u sayang dia eh lun?" hmmm tak pernah ada orang tanya aku soalan itu.


Last friday: it was fun initially doing the carebears quiz until i was called a "hypocrite" jokingly referring to the describtion of a cheer bear (see, dats why i like to remain as grumpy bear jer..) I forwarded the email to Ligo obviously in need of comfort zone to heal my ego.. still unhappy abt it, its affecting my ego. So this morning time for truth. she: Gud morning ;-) me: morning she: Think my friend not coming in today me: which fren? she: my friend there? Merajuk sampai tak nak cakap hah? me: yup. childish i know but i just cant understand dats all. as much as i wan to let it go, i cant dats why i choose to keep quiet to heal the wound she: Dun like tat lah..just meant to be joke. This part "Though you want everyone to be happy, you stand your ground on issues you feel strongly about and this can bring disunity among your friends"....suddenly I remember how u used to manipulate situation in a "smart way" and manage to escape...must learn a ...


kisah hp: adek got her hp. Ceritanya gini .. adek called her number and left a pathetic voice msg "whoever found my hp, pls return it to me" she called her number several time until it was answered. "hello, can u pls returned my sim card and my memory card" laughingly he said "oh u mean i can keep it?" *still laughing* adek got scared tot he somekind of maniac dodol jugak adik aku nih. apa sajer asked for the cards instead of HP straight away. Anyway, the guy happened to me a m'sian chinese. Nice person actually and all along he was just teasing her .. i found this test at Duan's Cheer Bear You're the Care Bear cheerleader! Your spunky personality and optimisim lifts everyone's spirit. Though you want everyone to be happy, you stand your ground on issues you feel strongly about and this can bring disunity among your friends. Despite this, you are a true believer in working together. Take the Which Care Bear Are You? Quiz! tapi sebenarnya ...

peace & love

ok dude, enuf of bitching and hating k. Say NO to civil war (i had enuf sleep last nite at last!) lets make love and peace to the world guys!! happy birthday to Jun .:SCORPIO:. The sex addict Can be mean. EXTREMELY sexy. Intelligent. Energetic. Predict future. Most erotic. (Freak in bed.) (GREAT kisser.) Always get what they want. Sexy. Attractive. Easy going. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. The sexiest ever....Romantic. Caring. .:LIBRA:. The lame lover Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone They meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique sexiness. Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing n Bed..!!! Did I say Amazing in Bed?Not the kind of person you wanna #### with... u might end up crying.... the most irresistible. .:ARIES:. The Liar Outgoing. Lovable. Spontaneous. Not one to #### with. Erotic. Funny. Take you on trips to the moon in bed. Excellent kisser EXTREMELY sexy. Loves being in long relationships.=) Addictive. Loud. best...

morning & me

Pagi ni smua rasa tak betul. hati meluap2 tapi aku tetap diam, segalanya mendatangkan kemarahan. Sebelum keadaan melarat aku kluar rumah untuk ke office walaupun pagi masih gelap. Berbagai benda berlegar dlm otak entah lah dari semalam aku dah macam gini. sengaja aku tidur awal to avoid talking to lovey. Even the programme on tv loath me to death. pagi ni, issue tudung mustard piss me off, dibdib pulak tak mau buat homework, hump! Dat's it, aku bersiap dan terus kluar. mungkin penat dan tak cukup tidur kot . Suasana pagi di luar segar saje .. entah kenapa langkah ku seakan slow sangat. Im practically dragging my feet, tekak rasa macam tercekik, pathetic kan? Aku lihat2 keliling dan dapat lihat di belakang tempat memungut sampat ada wanita berbaju kurung sedang duduk di situ walaupun tak berapa clear sebab dia di cover dgn kotak2. Aku nampak tuan2 yg membela anjin berlari2 anak, aku nampak ramai nyonya2 berlari2 anak. Haaaiii, aku jugak yg terbelakang. Jarang skali muka aku masam ma...

hv a kix

HAPPY BIRHTDAY AWAN semoga bahagia, berjaya dan sihat sentiasa semoga kita bertemu lagi.. happy birthday rulan awan happy birthday awan yesterday i received a pakage for kimi dari Aunt Ligo aiyo yo.. u buat susah jer lah gurl. Terima kasih dari lun sefamily ok. Kimi sure suka nyer .. the pakage actually reminded me that i need to do something for Jun. Her b'day is this thursday tapi aku masih blum sempat nak hantar apa2 pun hmmm... im having problem with my haloscan. It seems u ol bley comment but i can. Tak sure why, i sampai tukar colour halo scan template but still no use. Apsal eh? mendak ar gini... anyone of u pernah dengar lagu Don't close you eyes from Kix tak? i heard it ova the radio this morning after yrs of slipping thru my mind. Mama Emmy and imshe were you around when i was in love with the song? Vocally powerful that i got goosebumbs everytime listening to it. reading thru the liriks made me realised who rebellious i was .. What's you're doing out in th...

and the Lion roars Again ..

this morning i couldn't help but agreeing with the rest of singaporean that our young lions give us hope in this arena. It was great to watch the Lion in action again .. they played well and yup they bringging home the trophy for the 3rd time. But kalau nak ikut pattern Asean Cup cuma Thai and Sing jer yang dah pernah menang. Apa pun, Hip Hop Hurray for Nor Alam Shah!!! Go Lion GO!!!! oh my, our young khalis nak jadi cam Abg Alam Shah eh? way to go khalis!! kak Em, u tak tengok anugerah bintang fofuler ke? hehehe mengelistis betul lah, penat dari pagi buat stats .. by 12.10 i dah gi heat up Mee Goreng, Ibuk and enjoy lunch. Now at 12.30 i think am going down soon to buy what?? i duno .. jambu batu kot .. and biskut or puff maybe or just old chungkee. Ceeeh!! i better end here else i be sounding like imshe .. foood food and craving for more Foooddd.. *jgn marah eh*

shanti's buffday

She happy happy came to work wearing what i bought for her .. feeling pretty and young as always. My "aka" and my future business partner, Insyallah. Tho she 6 yrs my senior, we tolerate each other very well. Its been 10 yrs now and we argue 2x (so far) which ended with both of us crying. We had a small vegetarian lunch gathering tadi. I hope u get that "one thing" u wanted so much Shan hehehee ... Its a nice feeling to make someone that u love happy, kan?

anjat baby..

so far blum sempat berbual pasal bola pun, hari banyak kerja-an!! smlm waktu pulang dari ofis, bas aku lalu di tepi stadium kallang .. puuuuhhh ramai yg pakai t-shirt merah ala ala national day gitu. Dari macam2 sudut mereka datang .. pasti hebatkan permainan mlm karang, kata aku dlm hati. so Alam shah score lagik, Alhamdulilah we WON 2-1 in a very controversial way. last nite match tak se-x-citing bila berjumpa m'sia tapi penuh drama pulak. Ada sape2 nak ke bangkok to watch the match?? errrgghhh .. tengok kat tv jer lah ye.. pagi tadi, while reading urban adik showed me picture of a girl .. who looked like my fren. Ah! betul lah tuu, aku kenal dia. kali terakhir kita berbual mungkin 6 - 7 tahun dulu. Masa tu dia yg called aku. Dari cara cakap, dia masih orang yang sama yg pernah aku kenal dulu cuma cara hidup dia jer dah berubah. Aku suka assurance yg dia bagi kat aku waktu tu .. oh well, dia nampak gembira skarang ni, semoga apa yg aku lihat ini hanya sementara .. yok, kita titip...