i wonder if jimi kerja today ataupun tercegat kat depan kotak tv menyaksikan Oscar "live" sajer, mengubati demamnya hehe. Aku tak rasa dia buat kerja bodoh punnn... sebab suatu masa dulu, aku pun gitu. Tak pernah miss any of the award ceremony. Skarang jer aku tak de time utk benda2 gini, jadi aku suka tompang sekaki dgn obsesinya. selamat ada jimi , aku baca review dan lepas tu aku cari vcd sajer.. lovey masih blum 100% sihat. He lost 5kg in 5 days .. drastic tak tu? skarang ni dia rasa mabuk dan mual selalu. Last saturday, after dibdib's reading clinic lesson kita gie carik peacock feathers kat little india .. out of nowhere lovey turned pale, white!! cam tak de darah, aku risau. For the past nites lovey been talking in his sleep. Its all abt working. Last nite, i got notti and decided to record it instead. Hehehe .. so funny he said the office looked funny, looked like hospital and then he had a shocked to see me (i appeared in his dream). Actually dia berbual banya...
Now-40s..this is where i get personal