this morning i couldn't help but agreeing with the rest of singaporean that our young lions give us hope in this arena. It was great to watch the Lion in action again .. they played well and yup they bringging home the trophy for the 3rd time. But kalau nak ikut pattern Asean Cup cuma Thai and Sing jer yang dah pernah menang. Apa pun, Hip Hop Hurray for Nor Alam Shah!!! Go Lion GO!!!!
oh my, our young khalis nak jadi cam Abg Alam Shah eh? way to go khalis!! kak Em, u tak tengok anugerah bintang fofuler ke? hehehe
mengelistis betul lah, penat dari pagi buat stats .. by 12.10 i dah gi heat up Mee Goreng, Ibuk and enjoy lunch. Now at 12.30 i think am going down soon to buy what?? i duno .. jambu batu kot .. and biskut or puff maybe or just old chungkee. Ceeeh!! i better end here else i be sounding like imshe .. foood food and craving for more Foooddd.. *jgn marah eh*