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morning story

Last nite it was all sticky for us, i woke up at 5 plus .. looking out, weather still normal. lovey continue with his work and me getting ready for another working week! Check on kimi he was happy after being fed with one bottle of milk. Dibdib on the other hand had developed fever, he was coughing yesterday. Took the kodomo patch and stick it to his forehead. Feed him paracatemol and cough mixture and told him to go back to sleep. By seven i was all ready, told lovey to move his butt or i took train instead *hahaha even lovey dun buy my warning* by the time we went out it was raining heavily with thunder and lightning. oh well i was late to work : )

my dad is having his cataracts remove this thursday morning. So i just found out only one eye at a time *doink* and the next day will hv to bring him again for check-up. I only have half day leave till the new financial year this coming apr. SO how? :(

(For the first time in my working days i dun hv leave to bring forward hahaha time has certainly changed). Friday was a horray horray day i guess. Lovey got his Lenovo i-pad. BIL car collection day .. me and lovey tumpang sekaki on the joy-ride till late nite. Saturday terus KONGKAS!!

yesterday pity MIL cos suddenly the gas tong finished and the air-port spoilt. Can't fried the chicken and no hot water for my baby milk. Eventually she managed to cook using the hotplate but was kindda slow. Cian mak... After a veeerrrryyy seeellloooowww muhasabah i wonder why SIL yg tinggal sebelah rumah tak offered her mom to do the dirty job at her house yg sungguh berdekatan ittewww!! *sight* can you imagine if the same thing happened and it was either me or rin staying next to MIL house?? our loving husbands sure dah shoo us balik rumah to goreng itu ayam and masak itu air panas. Ops tak baik pepagi isnin bitching 'bout it but wat the hell, aku HAIRAN!! *garu-garu dagu*

The best moment when all three babies post for pics.. so Presenting you with Kimi aka Alex of Madagascar & Cuzens (Nazim and Nazmi)
cuzen babies
hahaha anak orang relek jer.. anak i hahaha rambut everywhere huhu playing with saliva lagik..can u see those bubbles? ahaksss

p/s: congrats to imshe for the birth of baby Nuha Aliyah last friday 23 Mar 07. Sorry guys no further news to update cos hv to respect her request "no visiting till further notice", cheers!!


Anonymous said…
hehehe so cute mcmana ley sama baju...lebat rambut kimi....
Anonymous said…
wuhuuuuuuu look at that hair. rasa mcm nak buat tocang kecik2 la kak lun..hahahha..encem boy you are, kimi!!!!
lunacy said…
naj, we discovered it last 2 wks abt the baju so decided to make a point to wear it smlm before kimi outgrow the baju hehehe.. i like this pic cos the 3 boys cam holding each other gitu hehe..

cekya, buat tocang hahaha tak dpt ku gambarkan..bila bukak jadi afro agaknye hihi..
Anonymous said…
Tahniah Im_she. Terima kasih kerana selalu singgah ke " rumah " Jimi.

Kak Lun, harap ayah K.Lun okie.
lunacy said…
Insyallah..hopefully lah jimi
Anonymous said…
comelnya :-)

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