it was raining .. but i wasn't late for work yahooo!!
terasa cam jambu today ... just 2 days ago i told lovey "how come i dinch hv any top wif a combination of green and pink?" kaklar.. suka sangat that combi tapi tak pernah come across anything that i can buy. So smlm i found a blause with that combi YEah!! hari ni pakai terus hujan.. LEbat plak Tuuu..
its been 3 nites in a row we slept in a tent in the leaving room. Yang bestnyer balik jer, penat.. mandi siap2 and gedebuk!! of we go to never land.. tak banyak songeh tak banyak hal.. smua dapat tidur yg secukupnya. Funny betul cam orang camping kat dlm hutan .. tv pun cam tak minat nak tengok. early morning comments from dibdib "ayah, best eh tidur kat sini" sambil gosok2 mata ..
my everyday has been good so far, Alhamdulilah. This morning received an email from Jun .. hmm far yet still far hahaha ... Semalam, while waiting for train .. i saw a fren, an ex colleague of mine sitting - with a sad look. Arggghhh.. maybe after shanti left they all lack of inspiration. Now that i remember it .. my heart sunk with the sadness in her eyes ... hang in there Kak Ani, Kak Jah & Connie. Maybe later when the rain stop ..
... i buy flowers for them .. (oh rain .. can stop for a while or not ...)
it was still drizzling, i forgot my umbrella so walk lah! I noe Connie loves red rose, her fav!! so i bought 3 roses [Red (Connie), Pink (Kak Jah) and Orange (Kak Ani)]. They were shocked yet appreciated it very much. Connie said "she knows im sinking". Urggghhh my eyes were all blurrr... i smiled and put my hand around her shoulder. Kak Ani wasn't around, Kak Jah forever happy to received. She said its not her b'day or anniversary. Told her it doesn't hv to be, I might forget those dates anyway hehehe .. told Kak Ani this is a "Juz To see You Smile" kindda Occasion.
Happy Vivo Ligo!!
Alright, gonna heat up my spaghetti, what are u having for lunch?
terasa cam jambu today ... just 2 days ago i told lovey "how come i dinch hv any top wif a combination of green and pink?" kaklar.. suka sangat that combi tapi tak pernah come across anything that i can buy. So smlm i found a blause with that combi YEah!! hari ni pakai terus hujan.. LEbat plak Tuuu..
its been 3 nites in a row we slept in a tent in the leaving room. Yang bestnyer balik jer, penat.. mandi siap2 and gedebuk!! of we go to never land.. tak banyak songeh tak banyak hal.. smua dapat tidur yg secukupnya. Funny betul cam orang camping kat dlm hutan .. tv pun cam tak minat nak tengok. early morning comments from dibdib "ayah, best eh tidur kat sini" sambil gosok2 mata ..
my everyday has been good so far, Alhamdulilah. This morning received an email from Jun .. hmm far yet still far hahaha ... Semalam, while waiting for train .. i saw a fren, an ex colleague of mine sitting - with a sad look. Arggghhh.. maybe after shanti left they all lack of inspiration. Now that i remember it .. my heart sunk with the sadness in her eyes ... hang in there Kak Ani, Kak Jah & Connie. Maybe later when the rain stop ..
... i buy flowers for them .. (oh rain .. can stop for a while or not ...)
it was still drizzling, i forgot my umbrella so walk lah! I noe Connie loves red rose, her fav!! so i bought 3 roses [Red (Connie), Pink (Kak Jah) and Orange (Kak Ani)]. They were shocked yet appreciated it very much. Connie said "she knows im sinking". Urggghhh my eyes were all blurrr... i smiled and put my hand around her shoulder. Kak Ani wasn't around, Kak Jah forever happy to received. She said its not her b'day or anniversary. Told her it doesn't hv to be, I might forget those dates anyway hehehe .. told Kak Ani this is a "Juz To see You Smile" kindda Occasion.
Happy Vivo Ligo!!
Alright, gonna heat up my spaghetti, what are u having for lunch?
It's a marvelous idea to make them feel good....
Cheers to you my lovely friend!