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remember the wedding card of a classmate i posted weeks ago?

this morning lovey and me were @ the bank and we bumbed into that classmate's husband which happened to be lovey's senior and imshe ex-colleague. I got the change to double confirm wif him .. on his wife lulu if she was really my classmate hahaha .. betul lah tuu I told him to kirim salam her. If lulu try to forget us .. or hide from us err too bad we are her living history.

my blur'kong is getting worst

- after work yesterday we headed to contractor office to make out ops not makingout!! to make our 2nd payment .. i took out the check book ceeeehhh like banyiak duit gitu. Told lovey to write .. sekali tuuu? eik??? its the old check book daaa .. i brought the wrong one. This morning, lovey said he just wanna gave cash .. tu yg pergi bank pepagi buta tuuu...

- feels like drinking HL milk .. tekak prefer to drink white milk .. balik office tengok aik? chocolate!!! minum jer lah...

- just came back from the "drugstore medic shop" spent $67 there, nonsense kan?

ibuk selalu kata i do thinks with eyes close that's why my kerja meraban2 .. entahlah maybe i talked too much "in my head" hahahah...

oh i hv not forgotten to take pics but currently, my neighbour volunteer to paint the house .. so we left the key to him .. and he paint, bley??

i smell Persian ..

yesterday on my way home .. i teringat kan Persian. Lama tak gie kedai tuu .. skali tuu in my letterbox ada invitation for VIPs ada 50% sale ... ayoyoooooo

On yesterday issue:
lovey was bz with the yellow ribbon .. no time to use his thumbdrive the suspense con't ...


Anonymous said…
asal? apa history dulu with LULU? dia dulu nak kacis your hubby or dulu dia step jambu?

and ah, siap lah tu merabanz, making out, making up, sejak dapat katil, balik rumah sendirik..


tapi gua caya you, neighbour volunteer to paint the house.
lunacy said…
nothing bad actually .. cuma lepas skolah dia ni cam terus sepi = hilang. tu jer...

errr.. u noe, i noe sudah la..

am bless wif such neighbour Insyallah. Later nak hadiah sikit $$ lovey kata he dun think they want to accept. tengok lah nanti..
Anonymous said…

honestly, I dunno why we would think she would invite us... does she even know where we live now?

She was an introvert, ape... But, she's different now... Sejak dah ngajar, she's very different... You guys would love her...

I'd like to get to know her better now...

I got the invitation from the youngest sis, lah, sape lagik. Was surprised to see the hubby college-mate kat NUS dulu. Naik atas pelamin, I was like, "Hey, YOU? Hey, that's my ma'arif mate, you know?" lol... and the hubby went, "Yah, I told Lulu'"...
Then, I dun care, nak jugak amek gambar...
Must be about the only wedding of our frens yang I pegi fully and amek gambar...
Yang lain semua, either tak pegi or pegi pun, makanan dah nak abes sebab ngajar punye pasal...

Anonymous said…

yes, I know I pon satu lagi punye sort. Best I gi i_mshe nyer wedding, dah nak dekat maghrib, perantin dah bukak segala make-up, dah pakai baju biasa, tengah terlepak kat tepi almari, kepenatan... lol...

I_mshe said…
eh jap .. u got me blur. but before that i must tell u. Aiman got married i went to her wedding. Then met the achone theere.. she invited me to the wedding. tapi i got 2 weddings on the same day. so i went own family weddijng.I sms achone tak jawab pulak .. that i kirm salam.

anyway i am blur with amende persian tu?

And i agree u talked too much.. in your head.

u al jumpa ashburn kat mana?
Anonymous said…
so how's the suspenseful thumbdrive story? wonderinga at the surprised look of that poor man.. hehe
lunacy said…
thedreamer, once i met achone wif lulu..but it was achone who spoke to me. lulu just smile and say "hi". i find it weird, but i dun mind cos its lulu hehe..

aiman sms me for my addy but lepas tuu i dinch get the invitation card pun .. well takpelah. Budak tu ceria bunga nak kahwin :)

pesian is a shop/boutique selling persian style outfit kat joo chiat complex tingkat 2.

ashburn as in husben? kat bank, shenton way ..lovey kata bertuah jadi menantu mufti. yeah sape tidak kan...

cekmi, and the suspense con't ... he was bz attending meeting after meeting ..
Anonymous said…
nama skool mate kamu LULU, glamor eh? so i guess dia nak live up to her name, menten DIVA, senyum je tak banyak songeh.
I_mshe said…
eh nama dia tak gitu. nama panggilan je.

ashburn --- literal translation abubakar! hahahahahhahahahha gelak! blurkong konngkong!
I_mshe said…
eh nama dia tak gitu. nama panggilan je.

ashburn --- literal translation abubakar! hahahahahhahahahha gelak! blurkong konngkong!
Nutty said…
Nutty said…
sorry lun,tadi i leave a comment tapi it wasn't nie testing lagi...anyway, i like ur new blogskin...i've managed to change mine..thanks for the link...abt ur friend wedding,i went to the wedding...the groom was my hubby's long time friend..didn't know lulu was the mufti's daugh cos in the card typed syarifah fatimah bizmit.....

anyway,bila nak post gambar ur renovated house
lunacy said…
imshe .. yelah tuu

nutty, i saw the pengantin pic. thanks.. she looks pretty. oh that one .. next wk lah (maybe). ur sis kata cam ur cabinet eh?
Anonymous said…
saspen betul gue nak dgr cerita pasal thumbdrive tu. hehehhe
Anonymous said…
my cabinet warna walnut and white...its the trend now...
lunacy said…
cekya, i ni tiap hari kecut perut tau .. pikir pasal menda nih hehe..

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