Ever since the renovation, all the four of us been sleeping in the same room. We didnt make used of the double decker bed instead we used a queen size bed and a single mattress to sleep on. Last night i slept in between the two boys.. its my nightly routine to wake up in the middle of the nite just to check on everyone esp the kids. Early this morning around 2am i had a shocked of my life when kimi was missing. He was not beside me. He was not in the blanket. He was not with lovey. He was not beside dibdib.. so where was he??? Panicked strike i called for lovey. Told him i couldnt find kimi. Lovey got up .. looked around the dark room, on the light and continued searching for kimi, still looking for kimi. Dibdib was deep in his sleep .. so where was kimi. The room door was closed, no way a 10mths baby can opened that. Suddenly, lovey knelt down and looked inside the pull out bed. Goodness there he was sleeping soundly. Lovey pulled him out .. he cried, unhappy cos we disturbed his sleep. Aiyooo .. the gap wasnt that big, i even put pillows to cover the gap and yet he can squeezed himself in. lil kimi can never stop to amuse us.
nak tak nak, mau tak mau .. ramadhan dah datang .. syawal pula menyusul. Persiapan ramadhan masih ala kadir lagik dah sibuk dgn persiapan raya pulak. I was told this year ramai yg pilih warna ungu sebagai tema baju raya. Unggu tu fav colour dibdib. From dinding bilik to baju raya .. tak pe lah. Tahun ni dibdib dah besar and excited menanti raya. Dah siap practice baca takbir pun hehe.
nak tak nak, mau tak mau .. ramadhan dah datang .. syawal pula menyusul. Persiapan ramadhan masih ala kadir lagik dah sibuk dgn persiapan raya pulak. I was told this year ramai yg pilih warna ungu sebagai tema baju raya. Unggu tu fav colour dibdib. From dinding bilik to baju raya .. tak pe lah. Tahun ni dibdib dah besar and excited menanti raya. Dah siap practice baca takbir pun hehe.
and yes, nak tak nak, kena jugak prepare baju raya buat anak, walau pun sesungguhnya, i tak kuasa sangat. bukan jalan raya banyak pun. good thing, pasal dorang tak dapat makan raya cookies, nanti batok. hehehe
but sure jalan jugak. maximum 3 houses per day. kalau sempat..hehe
Blessed Ramadahan.
cekya, sesungguhnya enkau berpuasa hehe...
shanti, my emotion is so fragile..wat to sayy..
cekmi, nauzubillah..