yesterday, an additional member of the family was born. On 6 Sept 2008, SIL gave birth to a baby girl @3.7Kg ... her 5th one urrmm of course attention now diverted to lovey and me. hehehe why aren't we so productive? MIL said after this i would have a girl too .. errr told MIL no one can confirmed on that .. anyway if i were to have another one i could not just stop there .. I don't intend to make Kimi the 'Melcolm in the Middile'. I would have to stop either @2 or 4 hehehe .. just my crazy teory but i think MIL accepted it hehehe ..
she look a bit like me lah.. owwwhhh so prasan ibu su ni hehe
she look a bit like me lah.. owwwhhh so prasan ibu su ni hehe
yeah..i too feel like that..being the Malcolm in the middle thingie
tgk org ada anak, i pun teringin nak hv my own kids.. sigh!!
ligo *high 5*
wtl, gie umrah doa kat jabal rahmah. how's that?? hmmm
cekya, seram plak dengar u nak kunya pipi dia..hehe
vesshnu, u mean she told the white coat? opsie..
rambutnya... WOW!
Allahumma salli 'ala sayyidina Muhammad!