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when i got back last nite Ligo sms me that she already berselubung dlm selimut nak tidur. Aiyooo i took over watching Asian Idol lah kalau gini. It was great watching the performance. Since saturday show, i concluded that my two favourite wud be Hady and Jac. Dont know why Mike and Mau just not appealing to me. Mike sang R Kelly song seemed to me too predictable. Mau i cant remember what song she sang. She was too "diva" like, no happy happy stuff about her. Jac was powerful and magical with her gemilang. Ohhh i feel the pressure. Hady was good but less powerful with that U2 song. But he was a performer, that was what he did on stage. He cudnt careless for the competition he just did his thing like he owned the stage hahaha ..

After the competition ends, i wud love to have either Hady or Jac as the winner. That was my choice last nite. Voted 3x for them hehehe. Alah kadar lah no vote wud be sufficient to match any of the contestant. Sporean population berapa jer nak match dgn country lain so i just did my part to show my support for Hady hehehe. It was so great to watch Hady and Jac did their Freedom together. Watching SG and Msia together hahaha what was that again Jien?? and of course there was Ariel and Peterpan!! : )

Expecting either Mike or Jac to hold the title, i secretly doa for Hady to win. And when the annoucement was made no one cud believe it .. presenters nak annouced pun cam teragak agak. Judges terperanjat, Idols terperanjat .. aku kat umah yg terpekik while Hady terus berlutut tak caya. Congratulation Hady Mirza!! the song from Taufik Batisah was just the right one for the occasion. Welcome home Hady, now that the title is yours sure banyak yg akan kritik so stay strong and positive ya.


Anonymous said…
next year, you try lah apply jadi Idol judge replacing that Paul Moss. Heheheee.

I support Hady dalam mimpi..dah smsed my vote, tidur lah..
lunacy said…
hey Paul Moss is gud in M'sian Idol and OIM together wif syafinaz. Lets not touch them lah..

im just happy happy watching the entertainment scene on tv. Kita tak banyak benda2 gini kan, so yg sikit2 tu manis lah..

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