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Welcome 2008!!

Sabtu - 29th Dec 2001
Hari Nikah

our wedding_01

Sabtu - 29th dec 2007, i forgotten THE day and was surprised when lovey wish me Happy Anniversary. Oh dear, its been 6th wonderful year Alhamdulilah. Truly blessed dengan anugerah dari Allah. 2 handsome boys yg kecoh-kecoh selalu, lovey yang juga sahabat sehidup semati hendaknya, Insyallah. Itulah antara doa kami agar jodoh berpanjangan hingga ke akhir hayat. Mungkin ajer terkesan dgn drama di tv. haiiizzz..

thot wanna take pictures anak beranak lah.. aiyooo kimi skarang ni active sangat. Nak makan pun kene take turn .. oh well lumrah hidup anak beranak la tuuu..

Ahad - 30th Dec 2001

Majlis persandingan

30th Dec 2007, kita relek anak beranak jer.. kimi suka pukul-pukul lah.. dibdib pulak nampak sabar melayan adik hehehe.. cute lah tengok diorang dua tuuu.
Lovey and me we are still learning to be a better parents.

31st Dec 2007

Last day of the year .. mlm ni tak sabar nak tengok Countdown on tv hehehe ada Taufik, Hady and By Def!!

oh yup .. happening jugak 2008 ni nampaknya. Semoga tanggungjawab dapat di jalankan dengan lebih baik, Semoga di murahkan rezeki, kesihatan dan kebahagiaan. Bertambah iman dan tak leka dengan arus dunia. Insyallah kita doakan kesejahteraan utk semua.

2008, is crucial year for dibdib, i hope he gets accepted to Madrasah for his primary education, Insyallah. That's my major worry at the moment.

Jumpa lagi di tahun baru 2008 ok!!


Anonymous said…
waaa happy anniversary both of you. kak lun, nampak lain la...and your lovey hubby nampak errr..kurus sket. hehehehe...

anyways, i wish you joy and happiness and may you live happily ever after!
Anonymous said…
tankiu cekya. itu zaman anak dara mana tak lain siap guna contact lense lagik hehe..dah tiap hari tengok muka lovey yg amatz meaty ittuew ..bila tengok dia kurus cam geli hati plak hehe..
Anonymous said…


I PON SHOCK tengok! LOL!
Telupe how you guys looked like, lah, lol...

Kurus and kiut both of you back then... awwwwww....
Jadi sekarang pon, jadi meaty-faced and kiut sama-sama ;D
Ni pinang dibelah dua sepanjang hayat...? lol...

Anyway, Happy Anniversary :)
Stay istiqamah in the quest for His Redha, always, insyaAllah :)

Ok. Last. My mamat pengarang tu, kan, dia ada tulis resipi macam Muslim Viagra gitulah dalam novel bersiri terbaru dia, you NAK, TAK???


(lama tak tunjuk notti...)
Yati WTL said…
My dearest...

Happy 6th Anniversary. More to come..

Moga u guys berbahagia and menambahkan lagi ahli keluarga..a baby girl perhaps? winks winks
awan said…
happy new year Lun! nampak lain la dlm pic tu. hehe.
Anonymous said…
selamat pengantin baru ;-) heheh

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