i hv sudden crave for dunkin donuts laaa, apa hal?
last week lovey broke his spect and i made him choose a red and black frame this time. My lovey and sungguh low profile now nampak bergaya plak hehehe Dibz got astic so he too needs to put on glasses to refrain from having lazy eyes. Dibz choice of frame has to be purple! While Adek broke glasses last few weeks, she too gonna get a new piece soonest. Oh apek, looks like u gonna keep on seeing my face lah. So more discount ok uncle!!
last week jln2 cari baju tunang tapi tak jumpa. Lunch hour tadi we managed to find one kat Arab Street. Ok, now proceed to Manja for tailoring!! phewwwww....
last week lovey broke his spect and i made him choose a red and black frame this time. My lovey and sungguh low profile now nampak bergaya plak hehehe Dibz got astic so he too needs to put on glasses to refrain from having lazy eyes. Dibz choice of frame has to be purple! While Adek broke glasses last few weeks, she too gonna get a new piece soonest. Oh apek, looks like u gonna keep on seeing my face lah. So more discount ok uncle!!
last week jln2 cari baju tunang tapi tak jumpa. Lunch hour tadi we managed to find one kat Arab Street. Ok, now proceed to Manja for tailoring!! phewwwww....
Lun, thank you so much for creating the special blog.n sory, been a bit busy tgh ada tamu ni. Will catch up with your later dear.
eh budak2 tu loaded betul turun naik melbrn, jeles aku laaa
btw dah wish lin happy besday?