last tuesday a fren nephew was pronounced brain dead by the doc.
it all started with continous headache that leads to vomitting. He's only 17, doing his
2nd year in pre-u.
he was later admitted to hospital, doctor couldnt detect anything.
on wednesday, the boy parents decided to pull out all the wired attached to him.
let him go peacefully they said.
yesterday abt 1 pm he finally rest in peace.
there goes their beloved one and only child.condolence to mabel and family.
At last i found time to snap few pictures of my kitchen and toilets. Ita a simple one so dun put high hopes on it k, its the time for "zen look" lah ... notice the simplicity? No matter what, new one will always look better kan? They say its nice to hv the same theme for kitchen and kitchen toilet .. so follow lor... my pink toilet ... pink suppose to be romantic mah... so can lomen-lomen lor...
btw mabel is here in the office. she's too sad to be near the family members tho she's on leave till CNY. she said her sis will be fine cos got church frens coming. even the grandma; mabel's mother is christian so shld be ok. but she's not christian. im totally blank, what she meant eh?