pagi ni terkejut bila melihat gambar dibz kat sini. So aku curik gambar ini dan post di blog aku (tanpa izin!) hehehe. Tertawa aku melihat wajah dibz dgn "speckmata" nya. haha apa tu speckmata? aku kata 'specticle' dan 'cerminmata' ialah benda ya sama. so dibz came out with his own version 'speckmata' and it seems we need more time to convince him to call it correctly. hmm anak2 .. suka ikut reseh .. orang dewasa pun sama kan??
cute lah aku tengok gambar dibz ni .. oh well, he's my precious son!!
subhanaAllah, bukak blog aje nampak muka yang tersangat kiut tu...
Speckmata, eh? Awwww, that's sooo kiut...
Kiut, tersangatlah kiut...
(itu aje yang tengah main kat kepala sekarang nih, lol...)
How is Dib dib....oh my!! He is in spectacles already. Welcome to Abang Vesshnu's club.
Vesshnu posted your magazine in his blog...nice. Thanks a lot!