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... kau begitu SEMPURNA ...

ibunda tercinta, yang teratas dalam hidup..yang aku sanggup buat apa saja untuk dia..
smlm kami mendapat tahu tentang ibu menerusi ujian CT scan yg dilakukan. there is a malignant on ibu left breast. two more somewhere on her stomach and small ones on her liver.. doc said i doesnt look good at all. we are all in total shock. we all been crying behind her.. we want her to be strong yet we all fail to do so. Air mata mencurah bila bila masa saja.. kesedihan aku dah tak boleh ditahan. kali ini aku benar2 kalah.. mana mungkin?? ini kan ibu kita semua. ini kan ibu aku!! lovey nangis mlm semalam while driving from haig rd all the way to Pa.ris. lovey kata, kenapa Allah tak abis abis menguji kita. Kuat sangat ke kita ni?? kalau lovey begitu lagi kan aku dan adik.. lagi kan ibu yg menanggungnya.. ibu kata tumbuhan itu tak sakit.. sebab tu dia rahsiakan saja dari kami semua. Ya rabbi..

we are now waiting for appt at national cancer centre. tak boleh patah harap.
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Yati WTL said…
Ya Allah...mmg berat dugaan. Semoga tabah and bersabar.

We are always here for you...

awan said…
besar ujian ini Lun. doa dan tawakkal insyallah akan membantu. semangat yang kuat perlu, untuk dirimu and ibu.

jika mahu ibu terus rasa selesa dan gembira, Lun pun perlu tunjukkan perkara yang sama.
lunacy said…
wtl, thanks to u i bn getting all the nicest words from our frens.

awan, yup baru di tahap awal dah mencabar cam gini. cam ne?
Anonymous said…

It must be terribly hard for you and all of us to face this turmoil.

We all should find the strength. We will.
Yati WTL said…
u r welcome lun...

that's what frens are for..

hugs n kisses
she-blocks said…
i can't say that i understand what you're going through but i surely had tough times. hang in there.

kuatkan semangat, kami akan ramai2 mendoakan ibuk. peluk ibuk kuat2 untuk cekya, yea kak lun.
Maddy said…
My sincere prayers are with you. May God bless her and I pray for her recovery. You be stronger to make her strongest!!
aqriz said…
Yes, thanks Yati for mobilizing me and Masyi today.

sikap positive, dapat sikit sebanyak, lawan sakit dalam badan. jangan menyerah kalah.

you pun, jaga makan, jaga diri, alas perut tau..
lunacy said…
hilmi, thanks so much dearie

wtl, u always are a great fren:)

cekya, yes cekya.. when i see her later i shall hug her tighly and remembering all of the strength and love u all been giving me

maddy, thanks so much for the prayer.

ligo, yes kak! Insyallah hehehe been eating nonsense so far..
Anonymous said…
Watie... subhanallah....

Aku mmg selalu ketinggalan keretapi... sorry for my dissappearing act...

You have to be strong, not just for ibuk but for everybody... Yes, you are so strong and dat is why Allah is yet testing you over & over again... and I am sure you will succeed at the end of the road, InsyaAllah...

dearie... kepasrahan hanyalah pada mereka yg lemah... kau and family mesti bersyukur dgn nikmat ini, pasti ada hikmahnyer....

my prayers are for you always. Salam rindu from me to ibuk and the rest of your family, ok!

Love you!

p/s: Yati, thanks for the call...
i have to use anonymous bcoz i forgot my password...MamaE
The 6 of Us said…
So sorry to hear this sad unfortunate news. Am surprised that it wasn't detected earlier, thot in S'pore women over 45 (or is it 50?) are told to go for free yearly mammogram. But anyway tu dah water under the bridge.

Although it must be very hard to be strong and patient now faced by such divine challenges, just try to tell yourself that Allah is really testing you and family time and again because He loves you all and want to reward you boundlessly for your steadfastness & faith in Him.
Aliff Danial said…

Semoga Kak Lun bersabar... berilah ibu kak lun harapan. Kita boleh terus bersabar dan kekal hidup adalah kerana adanya "harapan".

Dzue doakan semoga ibu kak lun sembuh. Ameen. Saya tak sure tapi, dah cuba minum Gamogen? Produk healin...maybe ada kesan baik..

Dari adik mu..

Zekc Ahmad said…
doctor tu then suggested apa to be done? was she/he an oncologist?normally there'r 4 stages of cancer spread. dun worry kak wat, insha Allah dgn izin Allah, nowadays the drugs and the medical technology are far much advance dr dulu. ibuk perlu kak wat to support her and beri dia semangat becoz u must give her a reason to live. Never give up coz its going to be a very long journey. Insha Allah, Allah and His angel will look upon ibuk.
lunacy said…
kak emmy, thanks for coming hahaha.. at last kau muncul jugak.

rahmah, i shld kick myself for not bringging ibuk for mammogram kan? but she simply refuse bila i ajak :(

dzue, Gamogen tuu apa? tak pernah dengar pun ..

an, what a surprise, yes we met wif the oncologist last friday. haha medical techology ..selamat tak de jualan rumah ke rumah kalau tak sure u dah recommend kan??

kak emmy, rahmah, dzue & an thanks for the doa ya..

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