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me in good mood

Thanks siti, am still not so ok lah. Coughing a lot these days .. if only i could cabut balik umah 'owhhh how shweeett'. I want to bobok long long after taking my cough mixture hehehe. U take care too and rajin2 blajar kat sana tau, Jangan bz check out the matz jer...

another wedding to attend this weekend, owh! wat else to wear eh?? three weeks in row i kene attend wedding. ish... penat & panas

am sick but still in high spirit. I aint that lonely. funny how 'bahagia' i felt yesterday while walking alone behind bestway building. Its a lonely path but i was happy. Funny isn't it? even when shan kept on promising to lunch wif me but so far 'elek'. In fact, last friday, a colleague of mine happily told me that she went out wif shan and i was cool about it. No hard feeling lah.. and shan said someone been reading my blog just to find out more abt her. Ish! oh well, to that someone, just bare in mind not everything u read here is 100% genuine, ok bro.

Annnnn nyyyy waaaay, i heard the mrt station in bugis would be closed down to give way to a new mrt line. Some of u sure know that i love bugis station so much. its my shopping stop! What will happen in future?? alah toksah pikir dulu lah.. who knows maybe when they close the station i pun dah tak kerja lagik hehehe.. Oh and its baby boom season in my office. a colleague is expecting her 3rd child... everytime she got pregnant i wud follow suit .. i wonder this time around?? hmm too much hassle lah. i dun think i can cope.. and i dun think the boys back home (adib, kimi, lovey) are ready.

i thank God cos lovey found his driving license yg tercicir smlm. Alhamdulilah. Thanks to that kind soul.

Adib could write simple sentences in malay and english. Alhamdulilah and he is more willing to do his english/malay/maths/arabic work on his own. Lovey and me have to continue so adib won't lose his momentum. Insyallah Adib, ayah & ibu will make sure u stand tall with the rest of your friends, Insyallah. We will work on it together .. itu janji ayah & ibu utk adib.

its weekend.. hope everyone will hv a quality time bonding *amin*


Anonymous said…
i wonder what's so special about bugis station to you. must be really something, huh?
Anonymous said…
wow is it really true bugis station will be closed cos of the circle line??? wah baru seminggu tak balik singapore dah ada news balik. kalau tak balik setahun gaknya apa benda ntah yang dah berubah..

Inshallah i will study hard. lol dont worry im too busy rushing from one lecture hall to another lah at here to check out the mats.besides my eyesights are getting poor so cant check out mats from far hehehe
lunacy said…
what so special?? oh cos its in between of home and office, i shop for almost everyone there. its not so cheap yet not wayy.. too expansive for my budget. kurang puak2 yg menyakitkan mata dan mengganggu minda kah kah kah, oh easy on food and i met u there!!

acam, ok tak Mi?

hahaha siti, dats singapore. lama tak balik jer, sure rasa kekok cos it keeps dun miss out the fun k!
Shanti said…
hahahah..I tak was jus a co-incidence to talk about the visit to Little India....okie okie...will try my best to meet this week or at least next week...

U still owe me a date together remember..a 1/2 day...hmmmmm

Cheer up gal! Btw, who is pregnant for the 3rd time?? I'm lost!!
lunacy said…
shan, thanks for liking the song "sempurna"

not only did i owe u 1/2 day outing i also owe u $50 on purpose. at least if u broke and in need of $$ u will come and see me hahaha btw, sin yuen is pregy wif 2nd child and our fren Polly is preggy again. i hvent got time to talk to her yet
Shanti said…
Sin Yuen!!! Thot' she had hard time getting pregnant..and Polly, my my, these ladies are really adding numbers to our nation boy!!!

Btw, the man who came my blog send his regards to you...

Hmmm...when I'm broke?? I will try not to get is that..till at least to surprise you....

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