he's having a hard time adjusting. Alhamdulilah, adib get along well with the new arrangement but not kimi. yesterday, he cried too hard in the car after i left him and vomitted. i rush back to the car when i saw it stopped. Hmm kimi..kimi .. changed his clothes and brought him up to the office. alahai, apa halnya dapat kek pun boleh nangis .. tudung/muka amboi tak cum langsung.. tapi tu lah happy moment of being 34!! Hari ni, Friday my dept would be celebrating aug baby bday .. better cabut before i turned to be 'Ning Yatimah' hahaha Thanks for all the wishes dearies .. hehehe cekya, u ciut lah.. tunggu punya tunggu sampai miss the date. Jun, ur not the last .. dun worry, thanks for the afford bila time ok, i shall meet Emah to claim my bday gift ok gurl?? dun be sad.. i know u love me huhu..
Now-40s..this is where i get personal