At last i found time to snap few pictures of my kitchen and toilets. Ita a simple one so dun put high hopes on it k, its the time for "zen look" lah ... notice the simplicity? No matter what, new one will always look better kan? They say its nice to hv the same theme for kitchen and kitchen toilet .. so follow lor... my pink toilet ... pink suppose to be romantic mah... so can lomen-lomen lor...
Now-40s..this is where i get personal
Look like the posting in my blog??
Loads of love and affection,
Sweet little things and
Sweet little surprises
A moment of togtherness
with your dear and near ones
Have a good day, Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you!!
Happy belated birthday! may allah gives you the strength to go through everyday life and the crisis right now..may he grant you good health and happiness..
bte, are you in facebook?
maddy - it was a great day, i didnt feel old at all hehehe
vessvit - oh she did huh?? yeah i miss her too.. esp now when ibuk is sick. good luch in ur PSLE ok. Think BIG .. think RI :)
siti - oh yes, thanks again siti. for ur care, doa and concern
naj - thank u so much errm facebook? alah benda tu tak leh access kat kerja so i tak kuasa lah hehe but yeah i am *ops*