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Showing posts from October, 2008

ibuk; the battle carry on..

recently, ibuk been very week. her appetite turned bad. she dun get to eat much and she is losing weight again. She refused to take the supplement. Oh dear Oh dear .. 2 more rounds of chemo and that's it for now. She can rest .. said the Oncology, Dr Raymond. Dr Raymond told us ibuk cancer cannot be cured. Next 2 weeks ibuk is scheduled for a CT Scan. I hope we get to hear some good news Insyallah. We are still hopeful. Stay positive lun. In the meantime, the treatment wif Prof still carry on. Last 2 weeks report on Ibuk showed: ASTRI Sufi Science Technology Hair Roots Analysis – 1. P53 & NK Cells – BioEnergetic reading: 17 Oct 2008 - 52 06 Oct 2008 - 45 16 Sep 2008 - 53 reading guide: Inflamation (above 50) and degenarative (below 50) 2. Body Overall Healthy Level – 32%ing g she's very weak wif only 32% of energy. hopefully, the new remedy will help her to feel better and imporve her taste bud, Insyallah. Hv a nice weekend people ..

end of Syawal

adib will be graduating soon from his K2. He's at the next building rehersing for a play for his graduation ceremony hehehe.. i brought him to office this morning and people been calling him handsome boy. I left kimi in ibuk's house just like old times. he dinch cry at all.. Masyallah itu budak always at ease wif nyai and yayi.. Syawal has just ended. Alhamdulilah the bad start was actually rahmat from Allah. Syawal brought most of us together. Family bonded. Cuzens sat together and catch up on life matters. My cuzens and i been busy taking care of our own sick parents. We actually shared something in common, which was dealing with the 'taibs' hehehe.. i saw something additional on the Flyer this morning.. next year holloween will be a great one , Insyallah.. last bach of frens decided to visit me and tasted my lontong yang cukup superb!! Amin..

24 Syawal

what am i doing?? 'lalalalalalala' aku ni kan nak tolong orang .. tapi kan niat murni tu takut disalah erti. yelah aku pun bukan ler baik sangat.. sekarang ni pulak perasaan yang so unreal bertahta di hati.. eh eh.. aku ke yang bersuara? bukan ke aku ni pendiam? aku kan selalu berat mulut aku kan lebih suka merungkap senyum dari beraksi alaaaa hoiii kenapa lah bila nak buat baik jer mesti datang rasa was-was ek? entah aku sorang jer ke yang cam gini.. ish!! was was silhannas Allahua'lam

20 Syawal

seronok bila dapat bertemu teman lama. Lebih2 lagi bila kita ni semua sahabat yang cukup mesra .. oleh kerana MJ (Mummy Jan) dah lama tinggal kan kita, dia kene masak utk kita semua!! even lin yang datang selepas yang lain pulang pun dapat merasa masakan MJ ..

17 Syawal

i still owe 1 aunty and 3 cuzens hari raya visits. every morning we plan to go visiting at nite after work but we always ended up lying down on the bed watching tv and Sepi last 2 nites. the guilt stayed on and now adib down wif fever. yesterday, 2 frens with their children came to visit ibuk and me. Oh, in the meantime, I worried abt kimi. He is manja yet bit too aggressive. Yesterday, i came back from work and received complaint that kimi kicked Atuk and cause little cut on Atuk's lip. This morning in the car, he somehow bang his head on Adib's cute little face and cause little cut (again) in his bro's inner lips. Somehow, we ought to avoid kimi from watching those power ranges and other japanese heroic act. We need to delete off those memories. Guess what kimi did after watching Happy Feet?? He walked like a Penguin!! hahahah

14 Syawal

Al Fatihah to Mak Andak. semoga roh mu dirahmati dan bersemadi bersama orang2 salihin, Amin. Mak Andak's passing reminded me of ibuk's fate. She died of pancreas cancer detected at stage 3. we visited her last week while she was in the hospital. Hair all grey and refusing to eat her meal. I knew how it felt cos ibuk was once like that. Food seemed so hard to swallow even for porridge. I remembered the first time when i saw Mak Andak was on my wedding day. She reminded me so much of my arwah nenek, someone tall and big? .. i met wif Su last nite and i managed to pull her one side just to clarify something that been bugging me and lovey. Hearing her confession made both of us wept and hug tighly. I managed a whisper that "we all love her and to stay strong". My heart still ache for her.. a fren, formerly known as ****** called. Recently, she got issues with 'what we called her' and we all respected her wish tho we don't exactly understand her reasons....

13 Syawal

budak2 ni happily main kat bawah meja .. hehehe Adib is just like me, geli dgn binatang tho "somehow" we adore 'em. But Kimi, he is such an animal lover. Kuncing kat rumah orang semua dia nak cium (bertaburan kucing2 lari bila kene 'ciuman' kimi), except for Tiger yang garang dan mau mencakar kimi. Oh tak cukup nak cium kucing, hemster pun dia cium jugak haizzz *ibu.ayah. pening* Ibuk and aunty last saturday in Woodland. Looking good ain't she? cayang ibuk.. get well soon yek.. p/s: buat dia, semoga satu hari nanti kau akan kembali ke pangkuanNya. itu doa aku.

10 syawal - lis & armand. eh mana ari?

i took time 'off' from everything and went to visit Lis and baby Armand. i selute Lis for her fighting spirit. Tho she had gone thru lots of pain in her pregnancy, she looking forward for no.2!! She worked like a pro in handling baby Armand and the hot topic was on 'nipple puller'. heard of the thing? hehehe hai kalau cam gini, im sure lis and Ari wud catch up wif me in no time. But its ok, when it comes to baby matter i would not rush (unless) the world cup season is coming hehehe..

9 Syawal

2 yrs ago, i gave birth to Hakimi on 9 Syawal. Happy Bday Kimi!! utk raya tahun ni, aku dan adik sempat buat kuih raya 4 macam. gambarnya cam tak terlarat nak ambik. entah lah, apsal sana sini semua orang cam nak raya cuba abit terkial2 nak bergerak. kalau pergi pun selalu nya rasa cam nak duduk berbual sbb dah lama tak jumpa. Btw, ibuk's tumour in her breast dah makin kecik. Liver pun doing fine. Alhamdulilah atas berkat dan doa semua, Amin. Ibuk:ASTRI Sufi Science Technology Hair Roots Analysis – P53 & NK Cells – BioEnergetic reading: 06 Oct 2008 - 45 16 Sep 2008 - 53 reading guide: Inflamation (above 50) and degenarative (below 50)

Hari Raya

Hari Raya wif Lovey's family Terserempak Lin in Eunos Us - jln2 hari raya

7 Syawal

7 tahun lalu, i gave birth to adib on 7 syawal- Happy Bday Adib. Raya tahun ni datang, aku macam tak sedia nak sambut. Lovey ada misi sendiri. So aku abit on my 'own' gitu. Kengkabut nak buat macam2 tapi mostly tak terbuat sbbkan budak2 yang cukup melekat dgn ibunya (saye lah tu). Mlm raya, rumah jiran dah 'spakling clean' rumah aku penuh dgn trash bags nak buang kat tongsampah kat bawah. tensi abis.. aku sempat membaca jer pesanan demi pesanan ucap hari raya dan maaf zahir batin tapi aku tak terdaya nak balas pun. Maaf semua, macam kata jun dia raya ke-4 hari tu, mungkin terlupa nak makan booster utk otak!. Di Pagi raya yang indah, seperti tahun2 yang sudah aku terlupa nak salam cium tangan suami terchinte. Hmm oleh kerana tensi aku yang yang sudah mulai meluap ketahap pencemaran, aku mula 'meraung-mengamuk-bertindak ganas'. ye, suami terchinte tersentak tak abis dlm 7 tahun hidup bersama. Sejak dulu lagi, aku jarang nak pointed out kesalahan orang, aku ...