di sini lah ibuk bersemadi sekarang.
(sekali lagi, hampir aku tidak percaya)
cantik .. tenang ..
itu gambar ayah membaca tahlil utk ibuk.
selepas berkunjung melawat ibuk, kami ke kubur Angah (Anja).
Di situ, ayah berkata " Anjarulan, ayah mu datang bersama kakak, abang dan 2 keponakkan mu. Ayah ingin mengkhabarkan yang ibukmu telah pulang kerahmatullah ..." aku tak ingat apa lagi yang di sampaikan oleh ayah waktu itu ..
Tapi sebelum pulang dlm tangisan aku bercakap dgn Anja " Boy, sekarang kakak dah tak dapat jaga ibuk lagik. Im handling ova the job to u, ya. Temankan ibuk. Lama ibuk rindukan boy".
to all, ive no intention to make u all sad. i need to update my thots and feeling for ibuk before i lose 'this moment'. This special moment of grieving and cherishing of my mom. U all can share ur sweetest moment with ibuk too. Am sure u all have special memories of ibuk eg: her famous "Hellooo" when she answered ur phone calls. But if its only gonna make u cry more then pls .. avoid this blog. Thank you and hv a nice day.
You're right, this is the time for you to share... share as much as you need... I feel sad, I would have tears but at least, I know it's making you feel better, insyaAllah...
I'm sorry I couldn't stay long that day... it's merepek... dah lah doing training, tengah training, kena masuk meeting, abes training, ada meeting lagi, sampai jam 11 lebih malam...
Terkejar-kejar satu hari, tak sempat makan betol pon...
But I'm glad you have all whom you need around you in your moments of need, alhamdulillah...
actually, in person i do look normal but what i wrote here are the thots that i cud'nt share verbally wif anyone.
oh, its good enuf that u came that day Jah.
Hug :)