There she goes again .. flying home, leaving us with fun memory. I couldn't sleep last nite .. amnesia?? hope not. I woke up like a zombie this morning. While, waiting for adib's school bus my mind was thinking of Jun. She shld be leaving soon and probably her car would be driving passed my house .. hmm abt 2o mins later, i could see thunder and lighning followed by strong wind and rain thru the window. Hope she'll be strong to leave her love ones (again).
I was glad that the 4 of us get to be together again. "A moment together" like this is hard to come by .. tho it was short but i was thankful. Friends forever ya Ani, Lin, Jun & Me - Insyallah. Till me meet again ...
i like the happy faces in the latest photos...
anyway, biler die balik eh... she didnt even call me to say goodbye...
mestilah happy!! the 4 of us back together again!! walaupun otak aku berfikir non stop between to sit wif em + buy food for pple at home + be home in time to fetch adib + etc etc ... laju macam bullet train!!
i'd told jun abt ur request but i gues tak sempat lah tuh. Anyway, they left for SG on tuesday early morning to KL (hoping for no delay) cos their flight was scheduled later in the afternoon kalau tak silap.