- cemkmi dah selamat sampai dan mungkin sekarang ni sedang bergaya dgn winter jacketnya huhu ..
- Alhamdulilah adib has recovered. no additional redness spotted as expected. No fever at all so far. im thankful to Allah, may our family always in iman and sabar.
- kimi still refuse to wear his school uni to school. That boy seems to develop the love of staying home and watch tv. *ouch*
- Syukur and congrats to our fren Dem. may everything goes well to u .. may sharmaine dpt adik Insyallah.
- ani called me after reading this blog abt adib sickness and in return i found out that ani jatuh kat tangga sampai kaki kene semen. Aiyoo girl!! but on 2nd thot .. best gak eh ada orang mandi kan hehehe .. mungkin jugak engkau akan terjangkit si Dem tak lama lagik, Alhamdulilah syukur
- i keep on missing from office .. work done half way here and there .. one particular person keep on spotting all the loops holes .. feel suck to the edge. watever it means lah..
- erm.. on 2nd thot, our new baby is coming real soon. Watch out for that hehehe... no, im not pregnant lah!!
- oh talking abt it .. next yr is the world cup year .. prolly time to get pregnant?? ermm tengok lah rezeki cam ne eh. A baby girl would be nice .. bubbly and kind hearted like ibuk perhaps ..