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Showing posts from February, 2010

to be or not to be jelous

Part I: lovey and another colleague are going to Hill Street. I told him, i want to be jelous bcos his colleague yg mintak tumpang is a girl - budak melayu - belum kahwin. I called his office a while ago, the girl jugak yg pick-up my call cos my lovey assistant (a man) is away for 2 weeks. Oh My Darling Lovey said no need to be jelous ... but i also remember the ladies in lovey family (inc his mom) and Ligo and Imshe too wud be jelous ... erm so ... why am i writing this.. Part II: lovey pick me up after work. I got into the car ... check his collar shirt , smell him like little kitten and he was not angry, he was indeed fascinated with this whole thing .. and we both had a good laugh! Part III: went to lovey's parents house to pick the kids and told his mom what happened. *evil laugh* Hihis mom said "if possible don't do it again. Mak still jelous of your father. So you also better don't do it again ..." Lesson to learn: Wife: Its ok to be jelous. ...

Update: a little update: iwan now at ICU for close monitor. he still having fever. doctor is looking for 5 to 6 healthy and young individual (age above 20)  with A+ blood type for next week supply. iwan lack of white blood ... CNY round the corner .. long weekend for all. time to CA1 - round the corner, time to hit the books, adib Ani - contraction pain is on., time for labour *push push* Iwan - time to get wll .. Ya Allah kabulkan doa kami. time to spend together as a family.

update:iwan Dear Blog, kak ana called tadi. she said iwan dah abis chemo and he's not doing well. fever rose to 40 , coughing and lung ada spots .. probably lung infection. doc hear some noise fr his heart. Heart murmur or something. he's not eating either. he rely on pow kacang and chocs. still diarrhea. . tak cukup oxygen. he probably will go to ICU soon if fever tak turun plus ICU will give better oxygen support. i told kak ana, to give him air zam zam yg di baca selawat and ayat kursi & doa. suruh dia minum and sapu the balance zamzam to his head/body etc ..i always believe doa seorang pada Allah adalah obat yg paling mujarab.  in the mean time, lets pray to iwan ya ...Ya Allah ya Rahman ya Rahim .. sihatkan lah iwan, Amin.
for the 4th or 5th year or so ... ( i lost count) actually i didn't join the dept retreat. circumstances - dats what its all about. im missing the time when i could just pick up the phone to call ibuk. ibuk would happily fill me in with my kids daily activity and creativity. Ha! like this one. unfortunately, MIL being old and diff from ibuk could not fill me with the same tale. i've tried with the casual call but MIL gave me this panic tone like 'huh lun? what is it?' ... MIL so not casual lah ... so i guess soon lah. I want to be near my boys .. these days, adib kept asking me: "bila nak jumpa nyai. sejak adib primary 2, adib blum jumpa nyai lagik." (jumpa = visit kubur) he might want to tell his nyai that he is in P2 now : ) a good fren bought a facial/spa package for me. so i went for it. my virgin visit to mary chia. oh yes babe ... my face fairer, cleaner ... the beautician finds my frackles a problem to my face. My husband find those frackel...
Shanti ...