Dear Blog,
kak ana called tadi. she said iwan dah abis chemo and he's not doing well. fever rose to 40 , coughing and lung ada spots .. probably lung infection. doc hear some noise fr his heart. Heart murmur or something. he's not eating either. he rely on pow kacang and chocs. still diarrhea. . tak cukup oxygen. he probably will go to ICU soon if fever tak turun plus ICU will give better oxygen support.
i told kak ana, to give him air zam zam yg di baca selawat and ayat kursi & doa. suruh dia minum and sapu the balance zamzam to his head/body etc ..i always believe doa seorang pada Allah adalah obat yg paling mujarab.
in the mean time, lets pray to iwan ya ...Ya Allah ya Rahman ya Rahim .. sihatkan lah iwan, Amin.