and once again .. we marched our way to pusara abadi. early monday morning,phone rang .. i checked the time it was 4.22am I picked up the phone. First thot, cud there be anything happened to Ayah. But it was Mak's voice that i was hearing. How about Bapak? Mak requested to speak to Lovey. I passed the phone to him and listened .. It was Pak Ngah. Bapak 2nd brother. He passed away early that morning.
..and once again .. we march our way to pusara abadi. While the guys busied at the funeral, i busied myself searching for Mar's (read: kubur). Yup, i found her without much of searching. Being there, brought tears in my eyes, i may not know her that well but what she gone thru in this life time had been hard and full of sadness. Allah knows what is best for all of us. May Allah grant you Jannah, dear Mar.
Next we move on to 'see ibuk'. Kimi was running making his way to his 'Nyai'. Like me, my kids grow up visiting 'kubur' like going for home visit. Even his datuk and nenek were quite surprised watching their grandson excitement 'visitting' his Nyai.
Late last week, Ligo and i_mshe went KL to visit our dearest sahabat WTL and Cekya. Coincidently, i was WTL's birthday. I took the chance to pass over some gifts for them. To me finding a gift was never easy and i realised sometimes my liking was a bit hard for others. Anyhow, i was inspired to get a gemstones as a gift instead. I started goggling and read about those stones. i took note of what i wanted and its colour. Next, was to get the gemstone. I have no knowledge of where to get it so i let my foot do the searching. I seeked Allah's guidence until i found a shop that attracted me so much. The owner was patient enuf to help me with my finding. Once a while her husband would lend us a hand or gave us some advice of certain stones and its used.

the wrapping and the notes printing was done quite impromtu. Right before i met up with Ligo to pass the gifts for the girls across the sea. Big or small each stones carried something special that i hope will bring luck, love, health & protection. Wonder if Tatot had got hers?? hmmm ...
Hope eveyone feeling fine these days, may Jimi stays calm and healthy while going thru the hardest moment of his life and our Helmi on the road to success with his PhD. Awan, sweet awan .. don't be too hard on yourself.
i did leave a message on your FB, thanking you for the wonderful gift.