so the thing is the only thing im looking forward to watch these days cuma Nora Elena jer. Itu pun kene tengok online but that's ok, im still following the drama.
apart from that its either work, make sure kids do their prep before school term starts, run errands, wedding oh Wedding!! looks like im flying to KL in Jul for anak mak ngah wedding. Subhanallah .. im really looking forward to meet anak2 mak ngah. Its been so long.. tooo long indeed that i wonder if we going to be like strangers when we meet. Apa apa pun .. Ampang, Jln ikan jelawat!! Insyallah we'll be there ; )
apart from that its either work, make sure kids do their prep before school term starts, run errands, wedding oh Wedding!! looks like im flying to KL in Jul for anak mak ngah wedding. Subhanallah .. im really looking forward to meet anak2 mak ngah. Its been so long.. tooo long indeed that i wonder if we going to be like strangers when we meet. Apa apa pun .. Ampang, Jln ikan jelawat!! Insyallah we'll be there ; )