Yesterday I was at the lowest point of my life (again). The sadness that I had felt like the time when I lost IBùK. Nothing that i could imagine work the way I imagine it to be. Dugaan dari Allah kali ini berat sekali. Aku doa dan aku gagahkan diri tapi akhirnya aku menangis tak henti. Ya Allah, terima kasih krn
menghantar padaku insan2 Yg baik hati dan mengingatkan aku padaMu. Fikiran ku kusut sehingga aku kehilangan bag sekolah Kimi. Mataku bengkak, kepala ku sakit. Ya Allah, ampunkan dosa2ku permudahkanlah kehidupan ku ini.
At last i found time to snap few pictures of my kitchen and toilets. Ita a simple one so dun put high hopes on it k, its the time for "zen look" lah ... notice the simplicity? No matter what, new one will always look better kan? They say its nice to hv the same theme for kitchen and kitchen toilet .. so follow lor... my pink toilet ... pink suppose to be romantic mah... so can lomen-lomen lor...