a lot of people wearing purple today, are u? me yes!
pagi ni terlambat bangun after a hot nite. :)
dtg kerja plak lambat abih nak apakan... colleague plak mc so makin ler meruncing suasana. kerja dan terus kerja. public dah banyak enquire why the stats is still not up yet cos lunacy bizi writing its blog lah... hehehe.. while waiting for clearence from boss before posting the stats to the web lunacy nak start on UAT test phaseII plak. deadline is next tuesday 30 nov tarikh lahir arwah anja... penat lah ... alhamdulilah tadi kak jah belikan kway teow goleng for lunch. maleh ah nak tulun gie beli lunch ...thanks kak jah if u reading this i makan abis tau.
after so much of streching. i think i nak gie start buat kerja lah.
pd Adren, jgn malas update blog lah...
pd enigma, bizi banget seh dier..
pd kroll, awak kerja kat kl ke?
pd anony, awak tak de kerja ke?
pd smua org, put aside some money and vote of taufik batisaaaah.
pd lunacy, bangun ooooiiiii!!!
pagi ni terlambat bangun after a hot nite. :)
dtg kerja plak lambat abih nak apakan... colleague plak mc so makin ler meruncing suasana. kerja dan terus kerja. public dah banyak enquire why the stats is still not up yet cos lunacy bizi writing its blog lah... hehehe.. while waiting for clearence from boss before posting the stats to the web lunacy nak start on UAT test phaseII plak. deadline is next tuesday 30 nov tarikh lahir arwah anja... penat lah ... alhamdulilah tadi kak jah belikan kway teow goleng for lunch. maleh ah nak tulun gie beli lunch ...thanks kak jah if u reading this i makan abis tau.
after so much of streching. i think i nak gie start buat kerja lah.
pd Adren, jgn malas update blog lah...
pd enigma, bizi banget seh dier..
pd kroll, awak kerja kat kl ke?
pd anony, awak tak de kerja ke?
pd smua org, put aside some money and vote of taufik batisaaaah.
pd lunacy, bangun ooooiiiii!!!