am having problem masuk my own blog. its all b'cos of the pic that i posted this morning!! sorry tot ive deleted that entry so ur comment pun kene wipe out = uhhhmmmm..uhhmmmmm... (oh cekya ur spesel entry tu sungguh menghiburkan)
today is "Eat with Your Family Day". so every staff is encourage to go back at 5 sharp. Few restaurants are offering discounts but yang halal so far cuma KFC sajer. Teruk kan? kecian orang melayu kat sini tempat makan limited unless nak ke warong lah tapi ada jugak jenis yg main bedal semua. Cakap pasal bedal nie kan, for the past 2 days ive been "bedaling" starbuck coffee cos they having promotion buy one get one free. My colleague pulak dgn sadin skall belikan "kita orang" coffee (mau tak mau tetap kene bayar!). apa policy dia pakai i duno so semalam lepas minum coffee my perut rasa funny and the rest tu tau ler apa jadi. errrr... i think nescafe ibuk lah yg paling safe & berkat hehe...
wonder how adek doing kat chiangmai. Smlm they met this thai couple who own a van and they make a deal to bring the 4gurls around chiangmai. I pray for their safety... risau lah.
Lovey plak sejak dua menjak ni kadar temper menjadi2. Satu insiden tu bila on the road dia geram dengan kereta belakang yg tak menyabar honked at us and terus potong... lovey kejar that car (for what? beats me?!!) selamat driver tuu relek jer bila lovey tenung giler that driver. Haiyok apa dah jadik?? then, last 2 nites plak.. lovey put coupon in the car but he didn't tear all the part.. thot nak save for 2 days lah at least, skall tu ada this stuck up mama carpark man dtg check.. Bila dia nampak lovey, dia pun cepat2 dtg kat lovey and bagi warning. He even said that he got people observing our car (2nd time kene caught actually) .. errrr but pelik ar why bothered himself to warn us. Just fine ajer lah.. From the 2 incidents i can conclude that he sengaja nak carik pasal dgn lovey. Lovey's hand at that time was shaking..haiyok aku takut penumbok sulong singgah kat hidung mama yg tajam tuu. entahlah.. benda dah nak jadik.. but in the end, lovey & me feels macam kene harrassed. You know rasa takut kalau cik mama tu akan carik pasal lagik next time for other offences.. im thinking of finding out more abt the the "Act on Harassament" in S'pore.
to Adren: good luck with ur Sales, Bro.
Danny, jgn tension ngan kerja oks..
Awan, jgn "keputihan" sangettt..
cekya & tatot, both of u crack us up lah..
wtl, caya lah jadi project leader eh?
kroll, still bizi?
to all: selamat berhujung minggu!! take care..pada yg lonely & merindu tuu my tots always with ya :)
today is "Eat with Your Family Day". so every staff is encourage to go back at 5 sharp. Few restaurants are offering discounts but yang halal so far cuma KFC sajer. Teruk kan? kecian orang melayu kat sini tempat makan limited unless nak ke warong lah tapi ada jugak jenis yg main bedal semua. Cakap pasal bedal nie kan, for the past 2 days ive been "bedaling" starbuck coffee cos they having promotion buy one get one free. My colleague pulak dgn sadin skall belikan "kita orang" coffee (mau tak mau tetap kene bayar!). apa policy dia pakai i duno so semalam lepas minum coffee my perut rasa funny and the rest tu tau ler apa jadi. errrr... i think nescafe ibuk lah yg paling safe & berkat hehe...
wonder how adek doing kat chiangmai. Smlm they met this thai couple who own a van and they make a deal to bring the 4gurls around chiangmai. I pray for their safety... risau lah.
Lovey plak sejak dua menjak ni kadar temper menjadi2. Satu insiden tu bila on the road dia geram dengan kereta belakang yg tak menyabar honked at us and terus potong... lovey kejar that car (for what? beats me?!!) selamat driver tuu relek jer bila lovey tenung giler that driver. Haiyok apa dah jadik?? then, last 2 nites plak.. lovey put coupon in the car but he didn't tear all the part.. thot nak save for 2 days lah at least, skall tu ada this stuck up mama carpark man dtg check.. Bila dia nampak lovey, dia pun cepat2 dtg kat lovey and bagi warning. He even said that he got people observing our car (2nd time kene caught actually) .. errrr but pelik ar why bothered himself to warn us. Just fine ajer lah.. From the 2 incidents i can conclude that he sengaja nak carik pasal dgn lovey. Lovey's hand at that time was shaking..haiyok aku takut penumbok sulong singgah kat hidung mama yg tajam tuu. entahlah.. benda dah nak jadik.. but in the end, lovey & me feels macam kene harrassed. You know rasa takut kalau cik mama tu akan carik pasal lagik next time for other offences.. im thinking of finding out more abt the the "Act on Harassament" in S'pore.
to Adren: good luck with ur Sales, Bro.
Danny, jgn tension ngan kerja oks..
Awan, jgn "keputihan" sangettt..
cekya & tatot, both of u crack us up lah..
wtl, caya lah jadi project leader eh?
kroll, still bizi?
to all: selamat berhujung minggu!! take care..pada yg lonely & merindu tuu my tots always with ya :)