sebenarnya dlm kecerian dan menceriakan kengkawan semalam lun was having not so great day here. Work is getting more and more..but yg paling berat skali bila smlm lun merajuk (baca:marah) dng ibu. Adek kata ibu nangis bila lun dah pergi kerja and ibu kata "cakap cam tu pun nak merajuk" sambil menangis. You see in this matter, i know i didn't do anything wrong infact i was trying to tell ibu not to get so work out ova her sister (in KL) coming to S'pore. My mak long got this very strong attitude and ibuk gets jiffy ova it. Haiyok..b'cos of that ibuk start to act strange and say stuff she don't mean. Memang lun dah minta maaf ngan ibuk for making her cry.Goodness, wat the hell hv i done? Why did she cry?
tulah, suatu ujian dari Allah. Dikala orang memnuji ingat semua perkara..silap sedikit rosak susu sebelanga. Wateva!!
btw, smlm jumpa tatot & cekya online. actually, my lovey yg tengah on-line masa tuu huhu..tot is going HK today with her mom on a 4 days trip. She kirim salam to all the boys & girls that know her! Hopefully, Wtl dah slamat sampai ke kampung, cekya selamat menjenguk makciknya.. Dzue, thank you for the recepi..Danny, Awan & Adren ..hmm..
oh well, i got guest today..i better get cracking..seeya.