smlam i came back late and lovey wasnt that happy. hmm..i know he don't mind me going out but i hv to be home before him .. guess i terova .. alah ke little india jer beli tosei. kalau gi masjid india lagi lupa balik agaknye..
Alhamdulilah, dia dah pun slamat sampai ke kampung halamannye. i was glad to get news from him. its been long we didn't chat semestinya once a while news camni means a lot. he's goin back for 100 hari tahlil for his mom. i hope this time he gets to cry..i hope he gets to spend sometimes with his family, make his present felt..get back what he's been missing all this while..cos im just an outsider, orang luar nothings better than ur own. But still am thankful for what happen now..
Alfatihah untuk arwah Hjh Saidah bte Hj Jalal..